A Firsthand Look at CyClean’s IMBIKE: Part 1

Published in
3 min readJun 1, 2018

What’s up guys. This is CyClean team with more exciting news and announcements about the CyClean token! If you are hyped about the CyClean project, what makes you hyped about it? To me personally, it is the IMBIKE that the CyClean team provides to us. Obviously, they are not giving away any IMBIKEs — you should rent them! However, as you guys know, you can EARN tokens by riding this bike. How wonderful!

If you guys didn’t know, I am a very active person. Guess what? I tried the CyClean IMBIKE, and it was so fun. Because it was so fun, I didn’t even notice that I should write a review on it. Did I take pictures of the IMBIKE? Of course.

Oops. It’s my mistake. I didn’t take a picture of myself (I forgot to take it since it was too fun). Instead, I took a picture of one of my co-workers at CyClean!

This is not just a bike machine. You can actually play games on it. If you have an iPhone or Android phone, you are all set! Make sure to connect your phone to this IMBIKE before playing games though!

You guys might wonder why I have so many pictures of my co-worker. It is because she didn’t even realize that I was taking pictures of her. She was enjoying the IMBIKE. This picture shows the actual game that you can play with the IMBIKE. Believe me, it is extremely fun.

But, as you know, CyClean doesn’t only offer fun games, but it also provide you with rewards after you finish each game.

Kaboom! You earn rewards for enjoying games on the IMBIKE. When I was young, I dreamed of a day when I could earn money for playing games. Dreams come true! You don’t have to be a professional to earn money in the CyClean world. All you have to do is have fun.

Earning money by playing games is very exciting! However, this is not the end. What you have to do on the IMBIKE is exercise! I know that there isn’t a lot of motivation out there. What if you can earn money by exercising? You probably would start exercising. I am talking about the IMBIKE right now. IMBIKE helps you burn many calories as you enjoy playing CyClean games.

Earning Money + Playing Games + Exercising. I called this the CyClean Trinity. Without a doubt, it is the perfect combination of three different activities. What are you waiting for? CyClean is here!

[ For more information about CyClean, please visit our website at cyclean.io ]

