CyClean and JNU’s Athletic Competition — More Games, Winners, and Performances

Published in
6 min readOct 8, 2018

Welcome back to our channel folks! We’re going to continue our series on CyClean and JNU Group’s 2018 Athletic Competition. We will be starting from where we left off yesterday.

With over five hundred people filling the KBS arena, we got off to an exciting day of sports and team games. People filled their empty stomachs with a hefty lunch, and then we got back into more fun.

After lunchtime, the participants began taking off their shoes. Do you have an idea of why? The reason is we played shoe archery. First, we spread a sheet that resembled an archery target on the floor. Standing around five meters from the target, the participants flung their shoes in an attempt to hit the bull’s-eye.

Let’s see one participant in action.

Did he practice this at home? Not too bad, eh?

For our next game, members from each team put on these funny-looking bubble suits that you’ve probably seen in the movies. I myself wanted to try one on and roll around. Anyhow, the participants put on their suits and they took the floor. The objective of the game was to flip the mats that were scattered on the floor. You can see them in the image below. Each mat has a blue side and a red side, and each team was appointed a color. With each team competing to flip more to their color, chaos ensued. Many people had never tried this game before, so we saw people burst into laughter, bump into each other, and fall down.

Below, our founder enjoys the competition. It seems as though he’s curious to see who will win!

If you thought the bubble suit game was hilarious, you’ll be impressed to see what CyClean and JNU Group had prepared next. You all have heard of the three-legged race, where two people each tie one leg to each other to form one body with three legs. Well, at our athletic competition, we had three people form one body. So instead of a three-legged race, we had a four-legged race with four people. In addition to the extra person, the participants had to kick a rugby ball around a cone. As you are well aware, a rugby ball is not completely round, so you never know where it will bounce. The participants learned how hard this is when they were out kicking the ball. The audience had a great time watching their team members play.

After our participants were done kicking the rugby ball across the floor, we brought in balloons. The objective of our next game was to fill a long plastic bag with balloons that corresponded with each team’s colors. The team to fill the plastic bag with balloons and erect the balloon-filled bag vertically was the winner.

Our CEO and founder joined in to help the red team. Let’s go Reds!

Once we put the balloons aside, we get our muscles ready. Some men were doing pushups to prepare for the next game. Can you guess what the next game was? Yup, it’s tug-of-war

Red versus Green. Who will win?

And with that, the games were over. But thankfully, the event was still happening. Those who came to this athletic competition were fortunate enough to see the cheerleaders perform and CyClean’s very own CEO sing for them. CyClean is probably the first cryptocurrency to have its CEO sing for its community. That’s how much CyClean cares about its supporters!

It was my first time hearing our founder sing! He has an amazing voice — our CEO is definitely a rockstar. The people loved his performance!

Do you see the picture above? Televisions, monitors, health products, and cryptocurrencies were given to lucky winners of the raffle. Don’t you wish you were able to participate? Let’s take a look at some of the winners!

Another lucky winner received a special JPAY plaque! I am personally most jealous of this person. Here she is receiving a plaque from our founder.

Then, we gave out prizes to each team. Team orange was lucky enough to receive as their prize a giant LG television.

We interviewed the gentleman in the picture above. Let’s watch this video and hear what he has to say about this event and CyClean.

And after a final word from our founder and CEO, the competition came to an end.

Our CEO and founder thanked everyone for coming out and enjoying what CyClean and JNU Group prepared. He congratulated the winners and told the participants that he too had so much fun. He briefly mentioned the future of CyClean and JNU, saying that great things are planned for the future.

Although the athletic competition was over, we still had CyClean’s Green Project event waiting for us. We will provide more details on that next week.

In the meantime, I think we are all curious to know about CyClean’s next steps. Let’s hear what a CyClean team member has to say about the events CyClean has in store for the future.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures and videos we prepared for you! Thanks for reading!

[ For more information about CyClean, please visit our website at ]

