CyClean, Cryptocurrencies, and the Token Economy

Published in
2 min readJun 12, 2018

Hello folks! This is the CyClean team. Today, we are going to talk more about economic stuff. It may sound boring, but this is essential information that everyone should know about cryptocurrencies. Whether you are an investor or participant, you must know about the token economy, how it works, and how it is different from joint stock companies. The reason I am talking about this is that the CyClean token is also a part of this token economy paradigm.

Before understanding the token economy, we have to look at how joint stock companies work. Let’s take a look into Uber as an example. When Uber initiated its business, there were 100 drivers who provided their transportation services through the Uber platform. Without a doubt, these 100 drivers played an essential role in Uber’s success. Nowadays, there are more than millions of drivers who use the Uber platform. My question is, did the original 100 drivers get benefits after Uber succeeded in its business? Probably not. Perhaps, early investors who bought Uber’s stock received huge profits because of Uber’s success. This is how joint stock companies work. Participants get nothing even if their platform succeeds.

But in the token economy, it’s not only the investors who get profits, but also the participants as well. Let’s look at how CyClean works. Investors will buy CyClean tokens expecting CyClean project to succeed in the future. Participants who wish for the CyClean project to succeed will receive the SAME CyClean tokens by participating in the CyClean project. What if the CyClean project is successful and its token price increases? Both investors and participants get rewarded for making CyClean a huge success. It’s not only the users who have to devote their time to this project but also investors. Of course, CyClean is not a security token but utility token.

Just by participating, you receive tokens

This is why the token economy is far better in performance than the joint stock economy is. Many blockchain pioneers are expecting that many companies will tokenize their stocks in near future because it is much more effective in an economic sense. The token economy creates an environment that is friendly to both users and investors. Join the CyClean project and see how you can benefit as an investor and participant.

[ For more information about CyClean, please visit our website at ]

