CyClean in Everyday Life: Riding CyClean’s Electric Scooter to Work

Published in
4 min readAug 2, 2018

Last week, we introduced CyClean’s electric scooter. Remember the pretty blue, eco-friendly, efficient scooter that we showed you? Here’s a reminder for those who forgot.

But I’m sure most of you haven’t seen our electric scooter in person. Some of you who are cynical may think, “Why don’t you prove to us it exists?” while some of you are just genuinely curious to see our product being used. Well, I purchased an electric scooter so that I could ride it to work and show it to you guys.

Here it is, folks! My kind coworker is taking the picture for me. This is after I arrived at work. I actually lived about 20 minutes away from our company, but it gets really hot during the summer. I tried walking, but I couldn’t endure the heat, so I made a bold purchase. I bought CyClean’s electric vehicle, and it is the best decision I’ve made in my life.

Here are some more photographs of me and my scooter.

As you can tell, I am super protective of my scooter. It’s my prized possession that I do like to keep for myself. My coworker kept bugging me to let him take a ride. I finally gave in and let him take control of the handle.

I had to ride behind him, just in case. You can see that the seat is perfect for two people, so you can take your friends for a ride as well. After we took a ride, I decided to never let him drive it again. He wasn’t the best driver…

Here’s me in action. I usually go through the back parking lot entry, but because the lot was under construction, I had to enter through the front.

This is a picture of me after I arrived at work. It’s hard to tell, but the digital dashboard tells me the distance I travelled, my speed, and how much battery life I have left. I was excited to take this picture because I think I drove around 5 kilometers to work on that day. That’s another 5 kilometers of mining CyClean tokens! The distance travelled will be sent to CyClean’s server, which then calculates how many tokens it will reward me. I’m going to be rich soon!

And there’s another image of me riding in to work. It was a beautiful sunny day, perfect for taking a spin outside.

A Review of CyClean’s Electric Scooter

Now for an honest review of CyClean’s electric scooter.

1. Don’t let the soft appearance fool you. The scooter is pretty fast! You can definitely feel the speed when you’re riding the vehicle. It accelerates well and is easy to control, just like any other scooter.

2. There really are zero emissions. I was checking to see if there is an exhaust on the scooter, but obviously, there isn’t any! No smog, no pollution. The electric scooter truly is eco-friendly.

3. It is extremely quiet. Unlike the Harley-Davidsons on the street that generate a thunderous noise when you rev the engine, CyClean’s electric vehicle is silent. You can barely hear anything thanks to the battery and motor. At first, I wasn’t used to the quietness of the vehicle, but now, it feels amazing.

Thanks to CyClean’s electric scooter, I am able to contribute to the well-being of our planet, mine CyClean tokens, and just have a blast by riding it around. I am loving it so far.

I hope this gives you some practical information about our electric scooter. But right now, I think I’ll take my scooter out for a ride. Talk to you later!

[ For more information about CyClean, please visit our website at ]

