CyClean’s Mid-ICO Review — At the Halfway Mark

Published in
3 min readAug 7, 2018

Hey readers, as we’re halfway through the summer, we’re also at middle point of our ICO. It seems like yesterday we launched our token sale, but now, it’s already the beginning of August, a little over a month since you’ve been able to participate with CyClean. And boy, has it been a busy month of meetups and new developments. The CyClean team has been on the road, but they’ve somehow managed to do all sorts of things!

CyClean, a Global ICO

To fill you in on the details of our ICO and the things that have been happening recently, first, we want to let you know that we have participants from citizens from countries all over the world! A large portion of our investors are from South Korea, Indonesia, and Vietnam, but CyClean truly is expanding its influence to every continent as more people come to understand the CyClean project and the positive change it can bring to our planet.

Noteworthy Events Happening Behind the Scenes of our ICO

As we are carrying on with our ICO, we have been meeting with new partners. We have reached agreements with some of them, while we are continually in the talks with others. You may recall that CyClean was the first project to acquire a business with cryptocurrencies. As we were in our ICO phase, CyClean acquired Ketch’Up, one of Hong Kong’s top 3 bicycle sharing companies. We are focusing on business expansion even as we are conducting our ICO. Also, we have struck an agreement with the world’s top cryptocurrency exchange. More information to come soon!

Community Growth and Media

We have experienced explosive growth since the start of our ICO. Thank you all, CyCleaners, for spreading the word to your friends, families, and to strangers. Our Telegram group has over 91,000 members and our Facebook page has over 24,000 likes and followers. Amazing. If you think I’m lying, here’s proof below. Furthermore, international major news outlets have been featuring stories about CyClean, praising our project for the positive environmental impact we’ll have.

Still not convinced? If you haven’t fully made up your mind, then I recommend that you check out our whitepaper through our website,

Meeting with our Supporters

Without our CyClean supporters scattered throughout the world, we would not have been able to come to where we are right now. That is why we have hosted meetups in Seoul, Singapore, and other cities. It is always our greatest joy to talk to you guys!

From our Singapore Meetup

With that, we want to tell you that the CyClean team is prepping for another meetup that will take place soon on August 7th, at the Coex Auditorium (3rd floor, if you need directions). If you’re not convinced yet about CyClean (I doubt that’s possible!), then come by and listen to our speakers deliver their message and ask any questions you have to our team. After you hear from our experts, it may be hard to resist…

We look forward to seeing you guys there, and we look forward to helping you through the ICO process. If you have any questions about our token sale, then please do not hesitate to contact us through our many channels. Thank you!

[ For more information about CyClean, please visit our website at ]

