CyClean’s Research and Development Objectives and Schedule

Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2018

Having a working product is great for any business, especially a cryptocurrency project. We at CyClean have a line of market-ready items, such as the IMBIKE, health band, and electric motorbike, the 3GO. While this is great, the CyClean team is future oriented. We know that failure to look into and prepare for the future is a risky bet. That is why we have a schedule for ambitious yet achievable goals for the next few years. In our roadmap, we have plans for product development, business expansion and growth, exchange listings, and more.

The team at CyClean prioritizes research and development, which must be constantly ongoing in order for us to produce better, updated products for use. Without research and development, we cannot follow the trends that are new every day. So, without further delay, let me summarize CyClean’s research and developments plans.

The image above outlines our three primary focuses for development — design, technology, and licensing.

Design is a critical part of product development because what is beautiful to the eyes attracts consumers. Thus, collaborating with our design partners, we are working on three design aspects. They are inclusive design, progressive design, and future lifestyle for vehicle design.

While design is an integral part of our project, we’d have to say our main focus is on technology. Vehicle development demands much time and resources for technological advancements. Without the tech, we cannot have our cars or motorbikes! On our list, we have electric car ABS tech, automatic break control system, lane departure warning system, autonomous cruise control system, traffic jam assistance, lane keeping assistant system, and deep learning based fully autonomous driving module. Do you see a common theme in our research goals? They are mostly about safely and autonomous driving. A safe car is a good car, and autonomous driving is the future. We are committed to giving you a safe and convenient driving experience.

Lastly, CyClean abides by the law. Licensing is necessary for our objectives, so we are pursuing electric car safety test confirmation and certificates for self-driving automobiles. We expect to accomplish this without any major problems.

Our roadmap is jam packed for the remainder of this year and for next year. We intend to reach various research and development milestones, as well as complete the design of our future electric car. Next year, we will be finishing up our self-driving technology and bring it to perfection. I think you’ll be happy to hear that we will enter the preparation stages for manufacturing, which brings us one step closer to the commercialization of our electric vehicle!

The CyClean team is confident that we will achieve all of the goals that we’ve set. So far, we have been keeping up with our schedule, and nothing indicates that this will change. We appreciate your unfaltering support, and we won’t let you down!

[ For more information about CyClean, please visit our website at ]

