Meet CyClean’s Gorgeous Electric Vehicle, the 3GO

Published in
3 min readJun 4, 2018

What’s up CyCleaners! This is another day with an exciting post about the CyClean project! I can assume that many of you are in love with CyClean by now! So, I have decided to call you CyCleaners from now on. I am not sure if you guys remember my previous posting about the IMBIKE. If you haven’t, you better take a look at it! This time, we are going to look at our eco-friendly vehicle, the 3GO.

Look at this. How do you feel about it? It looks like a typical motorcycle, doesn’t it? Interestingly enough, it is not! This is an electric bicycle that the CyClean project is going to rent out to you guys! Do you want more pictures? Sure.

Yes, it’s me riding CyClean’s eco-friendly motorbike. First and foremost, it was comfortable! Honestly, I am not a bicycle friendly guy, but I like this one!

This vehicle is connected to your CyClean account. By riding this bike, you can mine CyClean tokens. Think of this as a mining computer with many different beneficial features. Once you charge this bicycle, it can travel up to 60 km, and the fastest it can go is 40km/h. Basically, the most CyClean tokens will be rewarded to those who truly care about our planet. I personally call this method of mining “proof of care.”

As you guys know already, this is an eco-friendly vehicle. Obviously, this doesn’t release carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases.

This bicycle is produced by CyClean in partnership with Phillips Motors, a well-known motorcycle company.

Why is this important?

I mean, why am I posting these pictures? It is because I want to prove that the CyClean team is doing something real. The problem that many ICO investors are facing right now is that many ICO teams do not have a ready product. However, CyClean has something real that can connect the virtual world to the real world. Also, we are trying to provide better solutions to environmental problems. I hope this post dispels your suspicions!

[ For more information about CyClean, please visit our website at ]

