The Joy of Giving with CyClean and CyClean’s COO

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3 min readJul 16, 2018

CyClean is all about giving. A quick examination of CyClean’s goal makes that clear. CyClean’s vision is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions worldwide, thereby making us and our planet healthier. How is CyClean going to accomplish this? By giving people who use CyClean products CyClean tokens. Whoever contributes to cleaning up the mess of fossil fuels will be rewarded. But apparently, CyClean’s COO, Mr. Cooz Komei Tokita, believes that we must give more to our society. That is why he announced during CyClean’s Korea meet up that he will be donating 100% of the tokens that were distributed to him for his role in the CyClean project. The funds from the donation will be used for missions and for helping those in need.

Mr. Tokita delivering the announcement at the Seoul meet up at the Sheraton Hotel.

For those of you who have yet to meet Mr. Tokita, he is a 23 year-old Japanese American entrepreneur who started his first business when he was a young teenager of 14. He has since launched various business projects, and currently, he is the CEO of Tokita Investment Group and is a member of the Swiss Crypto Valley Association, one of the world’s leading blockchain ecosystems. The busy man that he is, Mr. Tokia is also CEO of Kocostock, an emerging Korean cryptocurrency exchange. It is safe to say that our COO is an expert on blockchain technology and business management.

In an interview that we had, we asked him about why he came to this decision. He said, “CyClean puts contributing to human society as its first priority. Using a different algorithm, CyClean aims to use cryptocurrencies to improve our health and create a cleaner earth. As COO, I believe that instilling hope in those less fortunate in our society is the right thing to do. That is why I decided to donate all my tokens.”

The CyClean team has always been enthusiastic about charity and has plans to make contributions to society in the future. We want to also express how proud we are of our COO for coming to this selfless decision to help the community. Thank you for reading, and I hope we can all make the world a better place, one contribution at a time.

[ For more information about CyClean, please visit our website at ]

