The Problem with Mining Cryptocurrencies and CyClean’s Alternative

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3 min readMay 4, 2018

The Problem with Mining

Vitalik Buterin, the founder and creator of Ethereum, openly criticized the Proof of Work (PoS) mining procedure because it consumes a lot of electric energy. The difficulty of mining Bitcoin and other Proof of Work cryptocurrencies is increasing day by day, and more and more hash rates are needed in order to obtain a single Bitcoin. This harms our environment. Mining businesses around the world are harming our environment. As I mentioned earlier, human beings are selfish. They can do whatever it takes to gain maximum profit. When Bitcoin reached its all-time high price in January, miners around the world expanded their mining operations and consumed immense amounts of electricity. This is madness, and we need to fix this problem.

Proof of Stake & Delegated Proof of Stake

People who are sick and tired of huge electricity consumption created another way of mining cryptos: Proof of Stake and Delegated Proof of Stake. These are systems in which cryptocurrencies are earned by staking. This means holding a certain amount of cryptocurrencies to receive more of the same coins. This might solve the electricity problem, but there are many critics who are suspicious about these two methods. If you can earn cryptocurrencies based on amount you have, then the rich will earn more. This may widen the gap between the rich and poor even in the world of cryptocurrencies.

Proof of Brain

The cryptocurrency STEEM offers another method. You can earn STEEM and STEEM dollars based on the votes that you receive from people who use the STEEMIT platform. This means that you can earn cryptocurrencies if you are a good writer or good artist. However, there is a limitation to this way of mining as well. What if you are not a good writer? What if you are not a good artist? What if you are not interested in a social network service?

CyClean: A New Mining Method

This is why the CyClean development team came out with a new mining method. If you want to protect the environment and make money, you can ride CyClean’s eco-friendly vehicle and earn CyClean tokens. This is not something that only rich people can do (it is not more than 15 USD to rent CyClean’s eco-friendly vehicle for one month). This is not something only smart people can do (well, if you are smart enough to know how to ride a vehicle, that is enough!). This is something that everyone can do and something that can benefit all people.

We all care about the environment. We all know that using green technology is essential. However, there hasn’t been any incentive for using such items. That is why CyClean team created CyClean tokens. The more you care about our environment, the more CyClean tokens you will get. How wonderful it is to contribute to our society and earn money at the same time?

[ For more information about CyClean, please visit our website at ]

