UN Policies on Carbon Emissions

Published in
3 min readJun 4, 2018

How many of you are aware of climate change and how carbon emissions have accelerated this problem? Originally, Earth was designed to absorb or store more carbon than it releases. This natural feature is called a carbon sink, and oceans and forests are examples of carbon sinks. However, since the Industrial Revolution, carbon sinks have been saturated. Many scientists have pointed out that CO2 coming from industrial processes causes global warming. However, people are not aware of this because global warming is not on us but on our future generation.

The UN’s Resolution on Climate Change

Fortunately, the United Nation realizes that this is a serious problem. The General Assembly just reaffirmed that climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time. The United Nations Environment Programme report indicates that CO2 must fall to zero by 2100 in order to prevent disasters. In order to prevent a disastrous future, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has taken many steps to hamper worldwide climate change. The first initiative that the UNFCCC took was the Kyoto Protocol, which gave developed countries emissions reduction targets. The first period ended in 2012. The second period is in process right now and will end in 2020. The second initiative was the Paris Agreement, through which all nations came together to combat climate change by strengthening global responsibility for the world’s climate.

Big Progress

Since the United Nations and many other countries around the world took action, there has been much progress. The UN recently reported that the growth of greenhouse gas emissions will slow “substantially” by 2030. This is good news!

Individual Effort is Needed

The UN and many leading countries attempted to hamper global warming. However, individuals and private companies must take action, too. This is not just a problem on the national level, but this global warming issue is OUR problem as well.

The CyClean team has thought about this for a while. Learning about blockchain technology, the CyClean team realized that blockchain might incentivize individuals to voluntarily reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This is a win-win strategy. CyClean believes that using force to reduce carbon dioxide levels is the last resort. If there is a way to reduce carbon emissions voluntarily, we must take that strategy instead of using coercion.

Through this CyClean project, the CyClean team will provide CyClean tokens for those who ride our eco-friendly vehicles. We are also planning to produce an eco-friendly car in the near future. CyClean is not just an ICO. This is a movement. Please join our movement for a healthy environment.

[ For more information about CyClean, please visit our website at cyclean.io ]

