What a Stock Investor Thinks about Cryptocurrencies and CyClean

Published in
5 min readSep 19, 2018

Whenever something new emerges, people immediately start by mistrusting the new thing or person. When we have a new kid in class or a new boss, our first reaction is one of curiosity and suspicion. This is especially true when you’ve been in a certain scene for a very long time.

I imagine that’s how stock investors felt when this crazy thing called cryptocurrency took the world by storm. Stock investors were wary of cryptocurrencies. Some called it a bubble. Some called it the next Tulip mania. Warren Buffett, the universally praised stock investor, revealed his apprehension of investing in cryptocurrencies. In an interview with CNBC, Buffet affirmed his stance on cryptocurrencies, saying that the new asset class will have a “bad ending.” There may be several reasons for his position on cryptocurrencies, but regardless, it is true many stock investors share his sentiment.

While we’ve heard billionaire investors speak to major news outlets, we haven’t really had the opportunity to speak to the average stock investor, someone who has been in the game for a substantial period of time. Recently, we were introduced to a stock investor who works in Yeouido Korea. We asked him what he thought about cryptocurrencies, continuing the dialogue by explaining to him about CyClean. Let’s see what he had to say.

Hi, can you introduce yourself please?

Hello, my name is Jeff Kim, and I work in finance. I have been trading stocks for over 15 years now. I’ve lost money and made money, but the important thing is I have some experience in this area.

That’s great Jeff. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m sure you know about cryptocurrencies. What is your opinion of them?

I’ve actually read a lot about cryptocurrencies. It’s hard to miss, as everyone is talking about it. I do not own any and I do not plan to. The reason is I don’t think they’re a real investment. Stocks actually have value. You own a part of a company, and the stock is valued based on many factors, including company performance. Cryptocurrencies, on the other hand, are all speculation. They have no working product. Most people are buying crypto for quick gains, and that’s it. For me, cryptocurrencies don’t serve any purpose.

That’s an interesting opinion you have there. It seems like you don’t see the value in cryptocurrencies at the moment. I just want to ask you, have you considered this to be a whole new market in its early stages, that it still has room to grow?

I think that’s true. So far, it’s still pretty early. There aren’t that many regulations in place, and that’s another reason why I’m reluctant to invest in cryptocurrencies.

You’re right about that. We’re still seeing governments scrambling to come up with new laws. I have another question, Jeff. Does the fact that cryptocurrencies differ from stock make them bad?

I wouldn’t say they’re necessarily bad. I just think they’re not what I’m accustomed to, which makes it difficult for me to trust in them. It could be that I haven’t really studied them in depth.

That’s cool. I’m glad we can talk about these things. I think I understand your position. I also want to introduce you to a cryptocurrency called CyClean. Have you heard of it?

I can’t say that I have. Could you tell me more about this CyClean?

CyClean is a cryptocurrency project that implements blockchain technology to make the world a cleaner place. It does so by rewarding people with tokens for their good behavior. For example, if they ride CyClean’s electric scooter that produces zero harmful gases, they mine CyClean tokens. They also mine tokens by using CyClean’s health products like the indoor bicycle. This is a unique way of applying blockchain to our real lives.

Hm, that’s an interesting project. I thought there were only projects like Bitcoin that are apparently just “digital gold.” I was not aware of projects like CyClean that can actually help the world. Trust me, I’ve suffered enough from the fine dust problem in Korea.

Oh man, tell me about it. Fine dust is the worst. CyClean is a unique project with a real company behind it. The team is actively working and has accomplished much in terms of business. CyClean recently acquired a bicycle-sharing platform.

Really? That’s pretty cool. I guess if we see real companies doing real business, then that would make people like me more willing to invest in cryptocurrencies. I probably wouldn’t buy any currency coins that are nothing but digital records. But I think I will look into CyClean and other similar projects.

Thanks Jeff. It was a pleasure talking to you. Is there anything else you want to say before we say goodbye?

We had a short conversation today, but I’m glad to have learned more about CyClean. I don’t know if I will be buying any cryptocurrencies soon, but we’ll see. If anyone needs help in buying stocks, feel free to contact me. I’ll be glad to help.

Thanks Jeff.

And that was my interaction with a stock investor. Initially, Jeff was adamant about not buying cryptocurrencies. But he showed signs of reconsidering after we explained that cryptocurrencies are not just digital gold. He seemed to have a genuine interest in learning more about CyClean and cryptocurrencies in general. It was a pleasant conversation through which both Jeff and I learned something new.

[ For more information about CyClean, please visit our website at cyclean.io ]

