Learn Smart Contract Development, Security Review, Smart Contract Audits

Announcing, Cyfrin Updraft. The web3 education platform for all things blockchain, solidity development, vyper development, and smart contract audits.

Patrick Collins
3 min readDec 1, 2023


Learn smart contract development, web3 security, smart contract auditing
Announcing: Cyfrin Updraft

You can watch our full video on the topic here.

Introducing: Cyfrin Updraft

I’ve created a monster Web3 tutorial every year for the last 3 years. My first two are now the #1 and #2 most-watched smart contract developer tutorials on earth.

Learn to code smart contracts and solidity view count
2.4M and 3.3M view respectfully

Having done so many of these, I’ve seen a trend. The most common feedback I get is:

Hey Patrick, love your videos. Thank you so much, but I hate scrubbing through YouTube videos. Could you please upload this course to a website that is more conducive to my learning experience?

So we did that.

And we took the most recent (and amazing) solidity & foundry full course and uploaded it to Cyfrin Updraft, and then we spent months and made *you know, no big deal* the most insane smart contract auditing and security course ever created.

The Journey Begins with Early Access

We kicked off Cyfrin Updraft with early access.


  1. It’s a new platform, and we want to get it right
  2. We want to incentivize you to stop watching me on YouTube and watch us on Updraft

The learning experience is 10 times better than on YouTube, and will allow us to keep the content up to date. So in order to get access to this new security course early, you have to sign up for Updraft!

Yes, we will put the course on YouTube eventually, but you will learn better on Updraft. Plain and simple.

Cyfrin Updraft — For Who?

Learn smart contract development, security, web3, solidity, and more.
Cyfrin Updraft Landing Page

Whether you’re a developer aiming to broaden your web3 knowledge, an aspiring security researcher, or someone eager to hop on the web3 technical bandwagon, Cyfrin Updraft is the platform you’ve been waiting for.

Our mission is to equip you with the right skills and knowledge and empower you to step into the world of web3 innovation. We are committed to helping you become a productive, money-making, and resourceful contributor to building a vibrant web3 ecosystem.

We focus on giving you practical skills, which is why everything on Updraft is hands-on.

  • You’ll build a stablecoin
  • You’ll audit an AMM
  • You’ll launch an NFT to show up on OpenSea
  • You’ll build a formal verification test suite

Then, we will kick you off the platform and tell you to go start applying your knowledge, because that my friends is the true key to learning.




The Security & Auditing Course

Learn Smart Contract Audits
What a cool image

So, what’s up with this smart contract auditing and security course? Well, that I’ll save for another blog post, but it’s insane. Here are some of the things you’ll learn in part 1:

  • Reentrancy
  • How to win a competitive audit
  • Denial of Service
  • MEV
  • Oracle Manipulate with flash loans
  • The top web3 attacks
  • Signature Replay
  • Weak Randomness

With guest lectures from Web3’s best:

Made together with Tincho from The Red Guild.

Join Us On This Journey

To become a part of this exciting new chapter, head over to Cyfrin Updraft and apply for early access today.

We’ve got a lot of big things coming.

🌐 Cyfrin
📈 Updraft
🟪 Solodit



Patrick Collins

Lover of smart contract engineering and security