Military Triathlon Day

Cycling in Oman

Yanki Chan
Cykler. Middle East
5 min readFeb 13, 2018


Poor camels

Following the camel small road to the very famous sightseeing place in Oman — Bimmah Sinkhole, it’s a natural underground swimming pool. The water is just a little bit salty because it is a mix of spring and sea water. After cycling in the heat for 30KM and jumped into the pool, it’ just so cool.

After a swim, I sat under the sun for half and hour and the cloths were quickly dried out. Had the leftover food for lunch in the park and cycle 30KM more to another famous spot — Wadi Shab.

Wadi in Arabic means valley. I was planned to visit Wadi Shab in the next morning, to go to Wadi Shab I need to take a boat ride and walk for one and a half hour. Although I am very tired, but it’s still early, I brought a cup of tea and don’t know if I should go today.

An Omani guy came and talked to me and kept telling me I should leave now, otherwise the sky will get dark, there’s many things to see close by, I should visit it tomorrow.

He seems to know the place very well, I decided to follow him and started my triathlon day…

Following his fast pace, although it’s not going up and down but the road is not paved, sometimes I need to do a bit rock climbing. Then I saw some people swimming and the scenery is nice, I thought I have arrived. But nope, the Omani brought me to a better place, we kept walking then start to swim, cross the river, walk, swim, climb, walk.

On the half way, he said: Here, jump!

What? Jump?

Oh shit, jumping from the cliff all in the sudden…I wasn’t mentally prepared at all.

I asked him to jump first, see where he is jumping into.

Boom! You jump I jump. After that, not finished yet! Keep swimming and walking…

Then I saw a small hole, he brought me to the cave very deep inside, the entrance of the cave is only big enough for one person. The sun refection makes the water liker and the entrance like a green tunnel, slowly swim into the cave.

Mission completed, finished!!!

I thought it’s finished, I can go back after taking photos. The Omani guy pointed at the rope on waterfall and said let’s climb up to the waterfall.

What…? Am I in a Military training?

The rock is slippery, I might fall down into the deep cave if I don’t grab the rope tightly. I used all my strength to climb up.

If there’s up, then there’s down. While I was going back down, he asked me to jump again! The rock is quite close, but if I don’t jump it’s not easy to go down too.

He said: Trust me!

I used 10 secs to prepared, told myself to jump as far as I can. After that I could feel that my energy has finished, my fat helped me to flow to the top without strength.

And it’s not finished.

Omani guy asked me to swim under the waterfall, he grabbed me and put me under the waterfall. On TV I usually see people see on rocks and have waterfall pouring overhead. The water is deep, I could only grab the rope and use my strength to pull myself up and breath. But I am too tired, water went into my mouth and I kept saying I need to go.

May be he didn’t hear me or he really wants me to have a memorable trip, he kept telling me not to scared and put me on the water saying cycling is very tired, the waterfall can massage your back…omg…thank you so much……………….

I want to cry, I escaped and just hugged the rock and stunned.

Tired…but still needed to smile. I smiled because I thought I could finally take a rest.

We finally head back to the boat, I was too tired and not able to work properly and kept falling off. By the time we head back it’s totally dark. The boatmen has gone, Omani drove the boat, he said he knows everything a bit for survival.

Thank you for your tiring military training…what an adventure.

Don’t really know how to take photos of stars, will try again when I am not tired.


Before saying goodbye I said I might just go and stay with a local family, since I was really too tired to open the tent. He strongly suggested me to camp on the beach. OMG, he also looked for the safest place and he found two tourist were camping, their tour guide cooked for me.

It’s BBQ!!!

The sky was so beautiful with stars and I saw beautiful sun rise, since I only saw sun rise because working until morning in Hong Kong, this is the first normal sunrise I saw.

Took a few photos and quickly went back to the tent and slept

Thanks for reading, it would be super grateful to follow me on other medias…

