Secure your data with Endpoint Protector Data Loss Prevention | Cymune

cymune cyber immunity
4 min readMar 23, 2021

After the pandemic attack, the technology world has witnessed the highest number of cyber-attacks, this made organizations to think on how important is to implement a Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solutions. As 2020 has reported number of cyber-attacks in terms of data loss. The work from home situation had been fruitful for the attackers to steal the organization sensitive data through the employee systems. Data loss prevention is something that organizations cannot take a chance. Data being accessed from anywhere and from any device is being a problem for the organizations employees may unknowingly expose the critical information to the hackers. In this case an effective DLP model is very much needed for the organizations to secure their data against intruders.

Data loss prevention (DLP) is a combination of processes and tools that are used to make sure that the organizations sensitive data is not lost or misused or accessed by the unauthorized users. DLP helps organizations to categorize business critical, confidential and regulated data and recognizes the policy violations which are defined by the security teams it also identifies the violations of regulatory compliances such as HIPAA, PCI-DSS, or GDPR. After identifying these violations, DLP carry out remediation by sending alerts, performing encryption, and various protective measures to stop end users from unintentionally or meanly sharing data that could push the organization at risk. Data loss prevention tools and software filter data streams on business networks, monitor and control endpoint activities, and also monitor data stored in the cloud, so as to protect data at rest, in motion, and in use. With DLP security teams can easily pull the reporting that is needed to meet the compliance and auditing requirements and helps in incident response by identifying the areas of weakness and anomalies in the network.

Now let’s look at what exactly the data loss look like; Loss or theft of laptops and mobile devices, unauthorized transfer of data to USB devices, Improper categorization of sensitive data , Data theft by employees or external parties, printing and copying of sensitive data by employees Insufficient response to intrusions, unintentional transmission of sensitive data

For any of these data losses the organization may have to bear with a lot of uncertainty. How does these data losses impact the organization? Data loss can lead to brand damage and loss of reputation, loss of competitive advantage, loss of customers, loss of market share, erosion of shareholder value, fines and civil penalties, litigation/legal action, regulatory fines/sanctions, significant cost and effort to notify affected parties and recover from the breach

To understand the business case for data loss prevention, Read our Blog, it also covered the key drivers of DLP

Now that we have got to know about the data loss and its impact, let’s jump into the Data Loss Prevention Solution

  • Keep disruption to the business to a minimum while the solution is being implemented.
  • Scalable solutions that range from protecting specific business units to organisation-wide coverage.
  • Data incident monitoring and policy tuning, reducing false positives over time.
  • Dedicated personnel operating out of the Cymune Security Operations Centre (SOC). This ensures threats are dealt with effectively based on the level of threat.
  • Specialist Governance, Risk and Compliance consultants manage data gathering exercises to identify business requirements and areas of focus.
  • The DLP solution provides a cost model that does not require upfront payment for the tool license.
  • Optimized operation support model with recommended remediation methods.
  • Knowledgebase on how to use external tools to complete the data security landscape.
  • Solution complexity is managed by using best-fit tool(s) and solutions to meet the demand from different applications and devices

Tips to protect your data from outsourcers and privileged vendors

  • Organizations must deploy security monitoring and audit capabilities over all data silos which holds sensitive data.
  • A routine data discovery is important over a newly discovered sensitive data, this can be done with automatic deployment of default security and compliance policies.
  • Make an agreement with the contractors and certify that they appreciate and will comply with company security and governance policies.
  • Before deploying the vendor it is important to audit the vendor’s cyber security framework and procedures and this has to be done throughout the contractual period.
  • Verify the cyber liability insurance of the contractor, check whether they have coverage sufficient and appropriate coverage.
  • Deploy and maintain an internal framework for on-boarding, monitoring, and termination of contractors.
  • Incident response plan in very much important to address a data breach or incident as the result of a contractor’s activities or negligence. Always keep an update on your Incident response plan

Managed DLP service is a core security service offering from Cymune. We ensure continuous monitoring and data protection without the required expertise to manage a DLP program in house. Managed DLP Service accelerates your data security posture by rapid deployment of Insider Threat Management at scale, integrating into existing environments.

Cymune’s DLP-as-a-Service Advantage:

  • Complete clarity on confidential data residing in the organization
  • Deploys across all kinds of devices like desktops, laptops, mobiles, cloud emails, printers.
  • Unified dashboard for all reports and analytics
  • Activity tracking, employee monitoring and sensitive data protection combined in one single suite
  • DLP Solutions across various Industry Verticals like IT/ITES, BFSI, Healthcare & Lifesciences, Manufacturing, Telecom
  • Field tested methodologies based on standard and proven frameworks
  • Life cycle Approach — DLP consulting/audit, deployment & managed services
  • Flexible Engagement Models — On Premise, Cloud based (Shared) and Hybrid
  • Service delivered from State-of-the-art Global Security Operation Center (SOC)
  • Certifications: ISO 9001, ISO 20001, ISO 27001 ready, ITIL, SOC 2, PCI ready, SOC/ODC Facility, COE

Don’t delay to discover the risks. Contact our team to find the right solution for you

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