The Top 5 Threat Hunting Myths Busted | Cymune

cymune cyber immunity
5 min readJun 18, 2021

Organisations are subject to increasing amounts of corporate and regulatory requirements to demonstrate that they are managing and protecting their information appropriately, whilst the threats from all quarters, including organised crime, nation-states and activists, are growing in complexity and volume.

The most effective way to thwart targeted, sophisticated and persistent cyber threats is to have a mature cyber security capability augmentation program. Many businesses embark on cyber risk assessment programs, but these may only cover a specific security framework or small area of the business in limited depth. They rarely take a comprehensive look at the information security status of the entire organization or provide a reliable security roadmap for the enterprise.

It is evident that the organization’s automated security tools and tier 1 and tier 2 security operations centre (SOC) analysts are capable enough to restrict and handle almost 80 percent of the threats. But still, there is a need for the organizations to think about that 20 percent, where there is a huge chance for the modern-day attackers to include advanced persistent threats (APTs) that will cause noteworthy damage.

Unlike the general and automated threats, the attacks performed by the advanced persistent attackers easily evade the advanced tools that are in place for restricting the intruder’s activity, they directly target the organization’s network. In comparison with the general hacking attempt, an APT needs higher attention and significantly more efforts form the response teams and Security Operations Centre (SOC).

Reasons your team should make hunting a top priority

  • Targeted Attacks Are Effective
  • Attackers Have Become Extremely Fast
  • Network Complexity Is Growing
  • Information Assets Are More Valuable Than Ever
  • Losses From Cyber Attacks Can Be Devastating
  • The C-Suite Is Paying Attention
  • You Don’t Need To Start Over With New Security Systems
  • Your Team Is Probably Already Doing

Myth 1: End point Detection and Response is Threat Hunting

Nearly 43% of Security Professionals say they have threat hunting capabilities today’

Cymune understands that threat hunting is not simply installing tools and waiting for alerts-it’s humans detecting malicious activities with the help of technology and data to be able to analyze and act. Its not man or machine. But man and machine together that carry out threat hunting.

Myth 2: Threat Hunting is too complex

Whether you know it or not, you’re probably already hunting. Just without a formal process or a technology implemented to make it easier. The only difference between your current security and “threat hunting’ is putting together a program with metrics for measurable success. If you use a security platform that’s built for threat hunting with Cymune, you will benefit from the reduced complexity attributable to automated data collection.

Myth 3: Threat Hunting isn’t worth my Time

According to SANS research. Organizations of all threat hunting maturity levels can experience measurable improvements in the security of their organizations through this process. This shows that working from a single source of truth cuts down the time and effort it takes to not only hunt for threats. But to also remediate them.

Myth 4: Threat Hunting is too Expensive

In the event that you do need to respond to an incident. The fact that you’ve been threat

Hunting-and therefore have already collected and centralized all the endpoint activity data in your environment-will significantly reduce the time and money you spend responding and remediating. The truth is that the benefits of being proactive far outweigh any costs.

Myth 5: Threat Hunting is Just a Trend

Today. Threat hunting has become much easier because of the granularity of visibility that is available. These improvements are like the Invention of the light bulb. Places that were hidden before become illuminated and can be quickly addressed cymune emphasizes that as threats evolve. So does the technology that combats them and so should your security processes

The cyber threat hunter role is becoming increasingly important in the modern enterprise, as companies strive to stay ahead of the latest threats and implement rapid response to mitigate potential damage resulting from cyber-attacks.

Our information security professionals proactively and iteratively detect, isolate, and neutralize advanced threats that evade automated security solutions. Our extensive experience in the domain of security gives us a competitive edge as opposed to using traditional rule or signature-based detection methods.

  • Cutting edge Security Monitoring Tools: We work with all kinds of security monitoring solutions such as firewalls, network security monitoring, data loss prevention, network intrusion detection, insider threat detection, and other security tools. Besides monitoring the network at the organizational-level, we also examine endpoint data. We gather event logs from as many places as possible.
  • SIEM Capability: We have the capability to gather internal structured data within the environment and provide a real-time analysis of security alerts from within the network and turn them into meaningful analysis.
  • Advanced Threat Hunting Skills: We have a team of experts who have established and certified domain knowledge on information security, cyber security, and network engineering. These experts apart from having a deep understanding of the Cyber Security landscape also have hands-on experience in forensic science, data analysis, intelligence analysis, malware reversing, network and endpoint security, adversary tracking, and other security-related tasks.

Benefits with Cymune Threat Hunting Services:

  • Proactively identify adversaries who have already breached the defences and found ways to establish a malicious presence in the organization’s network. Hunting is used to stop the current attackers.
  • Identify active threats and communicate it to an incident responder who will “have the knowledge and experience to quickly respond to the threat and neutralize it before more damage to network and data occurs,” the better the outcome.
  • Get better insight on an incident, from understanding its scope to identifying the causes and forecasting the impact and reduce investigation time.

Hunting’s strength is that it is human-driven, proactive, iterative and analytical. This combination of tools, repetitive monitoring and behavior-pattern searching, together with the analysts’ ingenuity and ability to examine and evaluate data, means a reduction in false positives.

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