Understand DLP key use cases | Cymune

cymune cyber immunity
4 min readJul 5, 2021

DLP is a combination of various security controls that supports organizations to guard their sensitive data, through its life cycle, across all platforms, from getting exposed to unauthorized users (insiders or outsiders) both intentionally or accidentally.

Data loss prevention tools and software filter data streams on business networks, monitor and control endpoint activities, and also monitor data stored in the cloud, so as to protect data at rest, in motion, and in use. With DLP security teams can easily pull the reporting that is needed to meet the compliance and auditing requirements and helps in incident response by identifying the areas of weakness and anomalies in the network.

let’s look at what exactly the data loss look like; Loss or theft of laptops and mobile devices, unauthorized transfer of data to USB devices, Improper categorization of sensitive data, data theft by employees or external parties, printing and copying of sensitive data by employees Insufficient response to intrusions, unintentional transmission of sensitive data

Types of DLP:

Endpoint DLP: Data leak protection from endpoints devices such as Local file shares, removable storage devices (USB’s), print services etc. Endpoint DLP controls data usage on servers, workstations, laptops, and Mobile users, it runs an extra layer of protection.

Network DLP: Network DLP: Provides broad security coverage across networks. Network DLP is ready to perform deep packet review across applications, Protocols and is ready to monitor SSL and alternative styles of encrypted traffic. they’re content-aware and uses a myriad set of rules and policies to watch data in transit.

Storage DLP: Protects data that is kept on Storage towers and network storage. Storage DLP helps in data classification, data de-duplication and data discovery. Applies sensitive data storage policy through all the devices and networks.

Cloud DLP: Cloud DLP: DLP is today applicable for cloud solutions. This is often for the protection of your cloud applications or if you have got critical data deployed on the cloud. The Cloud DLP has a further benefit of being deployed within the speedier and price-effective approach. Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB) provides Cloud DP options additionally to alternative security measures.

Key Use Cases

Insider threats: organizations need to protect Critical data from threats that arise from or through insiders
DLP solution will restrict the sensitive data leak that might cause either intentionally or accidentally by an insider of the organization. Insider threat is generally considered the biggest threat to confidential data. DLP can detect data leak over Network, Endpoint, Cloud and Removable media.

Mobile users/devices and removable media: Data leaks from the devices are the common

Mobile users are the most important use cases for DLP. A mobile user in a company carries Laptop, removable devices, mobile phones and accesses cloud apps through the insecure network. Defending such user could be a challenge.
Discover and categorize organizations critical data over networks, devices and storage systems:
Most of the DLP solutions will discover and classify critical data within your organization across network, endpoints, and storage. You’ll be able to determine wherever your data is stored, what type of data is it, how your data is being utilized and who is accessing it.

your organizations have to be compelled to accommodate various data protection compliance necessities and restrictive laws:

If you hold PII data, financial data or any other information which is to be protected under some legal obligations, they can help you put in controls to protect that data. It helps you meet compliance and regulatory obligations.

Protect sensitive data from getting stolen through targeted attacks:
Targeted attacks are generally aimed at data theft, be it PII data, Intellectual property or state secrets. The crucial stage in any APT attacks is data exfiltration. With the help of this solution, you can detect any attempt to exfiltrate organizations data hence rendering such attacks unsuccessful.

To centrally manage(enforce policies, assign rights and privileges etc.) sensitive data residing anywhere within your organization:
DLP solution offers you centralized control over all your organization’s sensitive data and assets. you can centrally grant/ revoke access rights for a particular set of people, Check for compliance, Audit users, systems and devices and generate reports.

Managed Security Services from Cymune

Managed DLP service is a core security service offering by Cymune. We ensure continuous monitoring and data protection without the required expertise to manage a DLP program in house. Managed DLP Service accelerates your data security posture by rapid deployment of Insider Threat Management at scale, integrating into existing environments.

Cymune’s DLP-as-a-Service Advantage:

  • Complete clarity on confidential data residing in the organization
  • Deploys across all kinds of devices like desktops, laptops, mobiles, cloud emails, printers.
  • Unified dashboard for all reports and analytics
  • Activity tracking, employee monitoring and sensitive data protection combined in one single suite
  • DLP Solutions across various Industry Verticals like IT/ITES, BFSI, Healthcare & Lifesciences, Manufacturing, Telecom
  • Field-tested methodologies based on standard and proven frameworks
  • Life cycle Approach — DLP consulting/audit, deployment & managed services
  • Flexible Engagement Models — On-Premise, Cloud-based (Shared) and Hybrid
  • Service delivered from State-of-the-art Global Security Operation Center (SOC)
  • Certifications: ISO 9001, ISO 20001, ISO 27001 ready, ITIL, SOC 2, PCI ready, SOC/ODC Facility, COE

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Originally published at https://www.cymune.com.

