為什麼我要紀錄HBS After Hours Podcast

Cynthia Chang
Cynthia’s E Lab
Published in
2 min readMar 21, 2019


  1. 知道在美國或是這個世界的時事,或是重要的議題
  2. 知道更多商業上的想法或知識
  3. 增進英文聽力
  4. 想增進邏輯思辯能力

我聽了滿多的Podcast, 有HBR IdeaCast, TED Talks Daily, New York Times The Daily, BBC Business Daily等等,但我最喜歡的就是HBS的After Hours Podcast。

After Hours Podcast官方簡介

Photo Credit: hbr.org

iTunes Description(View it in iTunes Store)

Harvard Business School professors discuss and debate current events that sit at the crossroads of business and culture. Youngme Moon, Mihir Desai, and Felix Oberholzer-Gee engage in a spirited discussion on a range of topics torn from the headlines — from Facebook, to free trade, to the #MeToo movement. Informed by their unique expertise as professors at one of the world’s leading business schools, their takes are always surprising, unconventional, and insightful.

After Hours原意其實是在工作下班之後的閒暇時間。

Cambridge Dictionary: After the time a company or organization usually closes for the day.

Podcast取名after hours的原因也是因為希望用輕鬆聊天的方式,來討論當今熱門的議題。(我覺得是跟HBR的IdeaCast互補,IdeaCast是每一集會針對特定題目,邀請那個主題的大師接受訪問,所以內容聽起來會比較生澀一點。)現在三位教授們更擴大到每周都會分享一些他們生活的小推薦,比如說是書單、影片等等。


三位教授各有專精,三個人加起來結合Strategy, Finance, Law, Executive Education等等。

Youngme MoonDonald K. David Professor of Business Administration

Youngme Moon is the Donald K. David Professor of Business at Harvard Business School. Professor Moon’s research sits at the intersection of strategy, branding innovation, and culture, with a particular focus on youth and the digital economy. She is the author of the bestselling book, Different, and she has published and sold more than two million case studies on companies ranging from Starbucks to IKEA to Uber. She currently co-hosts a weekly podcast, After Hours, presented by Harvard Business Review. (Source)

Mihir Desai — Mizuho Financial Group Professor of Finance at Harvard Business School and a Professor of Law at Harvard Law School

Mihir A. Desai is the Mizuho Financial Group Professor of Finance at Harvard Business School and a Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. He received his Ph.D. in political economy from Harvard University; his MBA as a Baker Scholar from Harvard Business School; and a bachelor’s degree in history and economics from Brown University. Areas of expertise include tax policy, international finance, and corporate finance, and his academic publications have appeared in leading economics, finance, and law journals. (Source)

Felix Oberholzer-Gee — Andreas Andresen Professor of Business Administration

Felix Oberholzer-Gee is the Andreas Andresen Professor of Business Administration in the Strategy Unit at Harvard Business School. He currently teaches competitive strategy in executive education programs such as the Program for Leadership Development, the Senior Executive Program for China, and in a program for media executives titled Effective Strategies for Media Companies. His course Strategies Beyond the Market is a popular elective class for second-year MBA students. (Source)


1. 很滿足: 以上四個目的一次給你

2. 很療癒: 這三個教授的對談很輕鬆,而且感覺這三個教授的個性也滿可愛的,聽他們講話滿療癒

3. 很過癮: 他們各自有不同的個性,不同的專業,所以在聽他們討論的過程中你會覺得很過癮,可以聽到他們辯論,也可以聽他們如何針對假設性的問題來做應對。





1. Thesis Statement

2. Topic Sentence

3. Conclusion




Cynthia Chang
Cynthia’s E Lab

Consultant, marketer, UX designer in e-commerce industry. Actively seeking chances to bring the best out of people, brands and organization.