A Technical Introduction to Cosmos SDK

Jay | Human Being
Cypher Core
5 min readNov 12, 2019


Architectural Design Overview

The Cosmos SDK is a npm-like framework that allows developers to easily build complex, secure and application-agnostic state-machines on top of Tendermint. Applications built with the Cosmos SDK are essentially multi-asset, interoperable public chains based on BPoS (Bonded Proof-of-Stake).

Below is a infographic of how transactions are handled by an application built with Cosmos SDK when replayed from Tendermint via ABCI, orDeliverTx to be specific:

SDK Design Overview

Application Anatomy

A Cosmos SDK application generally consists of the following major components:

Application Anatomy

I. Full-Node Client

A full-node client is a binary (or daemon) built and run by participants in the Cosmos network to instantiate their own state-machine, and connect to other full-nodes. A full-node fully validates transactions and blocks of a blockchain.

Node Client

II. Core Application

The core of a Cosmos SDK application mainly consists of Type Definition and Constructor Functions

Type Definition

Defined in app.go the type definition of a custom application is merely a struct comprised of the following:

  • Reference to baseapp : A reference to the baseapp defines a custom app type embedding baseapp for your application. In other words, the reference to baseapp allows the custom application to inherit most of baseapp's core logic such as ABCI methods and routing logic.
  • List of Store Keys: Each module in the Cosmos SDK uses multistore to persist their part of the state. Access to such stores requires a list of keys that are declared in the type definition of the app.
  • List of Each Module’s Keepers: keeper is an abstract piece in each module to handle the module's interaction with stores, specify references to other modules' keepers, and implement other core functionalities of the module. For cross-module interactions to work all modules in the Cosmos SDK need to have their keepers declared in the app's type definition and exported as interfaces to other modules so that the keeper's methods of one module can be called and accessed in other modules when authorized.
  • Reference to codec: Defaulted to go-amino, the codec in your Cosmos SDK application can be substituted with other suitable encoding frameworks as long as they persist data stores in byte slices and are deterministic.
  • Reference to Module Manager: Self-explanatory. A reference to an object containing a list of the applications modules, a.k.a the Module Manager.

Example of application type definition

Constructor Function

As the name would suggest, a constructor function creates an instance of the app with the application's type definition declared in it. Specifically constructor functions perform the following actions when called:

  1. Initialize a new app instance with a reference to a codec, a reference to baseapp, and a list of store keys
  2. Initialize each module’s keepers as defined in Type Definition in correct order (i.e. module Jay's keepers need to be instantiated before module Ken's if module Ken's keepers require a reference to module Jay's)
  3. Initialize the app's Module Manager - an object where
  • A reference to each module is passed in (assuming the modules initialized here are intended to be modified later)
  • routes (to a module's handler) and query routes (to a module's querier) are initialized
  • Invariants (i.e. variables evaluated at the end of each block) of each module are registered. Each invariant’s value needs to be equal to a pre-defined value specified in its corresponding module
  • Order of execution between key functions (e.g. InitGenesis, BeginBlocker, EndBlocker) of each module is set.
  • Remainers of app's parameters are set
  • Stores are mounted
  • An app instance is returned

Example of application constructor

III. Modules

With many of key modules needed for a coherent application already built into the Cosmos SDK developers can easily build complex state-machines by integrating custom modules with the existing ones. Currently the SDK supports the following modules:

Modules — Part I
Modules — Part II

In the rest of this section, we will briefly explore two of the most fundamental building blocks of a module — Interfaces and Message Types.


By definition a Cosmos SDK module implements two interfaces: AppModuleBasic and AppModule. AppModule typically contains a module's inter-module dependent methods while the non-dependent ones (e.g. codec) going into AppModuleBasic.

Example of module interface

Message Types

Each module that implements the message interface needs to define its own custom message types. Such message types shall also be seen as "messages to be included in transactions". After receiving a block of transactions relayed from Tendermint through DeliverTx, the application needs to go through a 4-step procedure before committing state changes:

  1. Unmarshal each transaction from byte slices or []bytes
  2. Perform sanity checks (e.g. fees, signatures) and extract the message(s) contained in the transaction
  3. Route the message(s) to the appropriate module’s handler
  4. Process the message(s)

IV. Application Interfaces

Each Cosmos SDK application implements a Command-Line Interface (CLI) that is used to interact with full-node clients. Out of the box the CLI supports the following generic commands:


Example of CLI

V. Dependencies and Makefile

The Cosmos SDK gives the developers the freedom to choose their preferred dependency manager and project building method. Go Modules is commonly used for the former and Makefile for the latter.


Whether you are new to blockchain or not, learning a new codebase can be a bit daunting at first. This piece was my attempt to give developers looking to build on the Cosmos SDK a glance into the framework, and to hopefully help ease up their code break-in period. If you are ready to get your hands dirty with building your own application-specific blockchains, check out the tutorial here. Last but not least, thank you for checking out!


[1] GitHub. (2019). cosmos/cosmos-sdk. [online] Available at: https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/tree/master/docs [Accessed 11 Nov. 2019].



Jay | Human Being
Cypher Core

Blockchain | Distributed Consensus | Software Architecture | Pitbull | Columbia University SEAS '17.