[Week in Review] IRISnet #5

A brief discussion covering general development within the IRISnet project and its fast-growing community.

Cypher Core
Published in
2 min readMay 1, 2019


Validator Milestone

The team at Cypher Core would like to congratulate the IRISnet community for another amazing achievement. As of 2019/04/27 08:28:34+UTC, the 100th validator was successfully created. This marks a huge milestone for the IRIS community as we welcome a new addition to the family of staking economy. By coming to this milestone are we not only helping establish stronger infrastructure support for the network we’re also providing a plethora of options for delegators to consider when choosing delegation candidates.

The newest explorer in the IRIS ecosystem

New Explorer

This week Figment.Networks extended their explorer support for IRISnet. What’s an explorer you ask? An explorer is a portal that offers insights on the state and performance of a network through various metrics such as block height, average block time, inflation rate and many more. In addition, explorers help delegators monitor and understand exactly what’s going on behind a validator’s operation. We are thrilled to see more and more community-built software being released, and are excited about what’s to come.


More Wallets = More Options

In the cryptosphere security is something that needs to be taken priority over before all. With a large amount of potential vulnerabilities just at your fingertips, you are always advised to enforce best practices to stay one step ahead of malicious actors. Math wallet is a secure, feature-packed mobile wallet that has just recently enabled support for the IRIS token. With a built-in Dapp store and hardware wallet support, there’s no doubt that Math wallet aims to be a “one stop shop” solution for all your crypto needs. Click here To learn more about the project.

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