[Week in Review] IRISnet #1

A brief discussion regarding developments within IRISnet, community topics, and what to expect in the future

Cypher Core
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2019


We got 99 Validators and Cypher Core is one!

As of March 18th, 2019 an announcement was made from the IRIS team that the network has a total of 99 Validators and 88 of them are currently producing blocks. This is a huge plus in the IRIS validator community as this not only signifies towards a growing interest within the network’s token ecosystem but also is a showing of growth within the network’s infrastructure. As one of the top validators within the IRIS Hub, we’re always excited whenever we see growth within the validator community.

Have you seen what’s at the end of the Rainbow?

Even though this isn’t something that was released this week, We’d still like to take some time to reintroduce the Rainbow Wallet app from the IRISnet team. With the deliverance of a native wallet application, IRIS token holders are able to handle their assets with a trusted approach. The Rainbow Wallet app allows you to store your private keys offline, in a very interesting fashion with the watch and cold storage features, which is crucial when considering personal security practices. Another great feature that’s offered by the Rainbow Wallet is that it enables the ability to allow token holders to easily delegate their tokens to any validator(s) of their choices. We’ve all come across a plethora of content online where one’s lack of consideration on handling their private keys left them losing their assets, don’t let the next story be an experience. Protect your private keys and give the Rainbow Wallet a try!

Airdrop update

Recently the IRIS team finalized their first airdrop to all Rainbow wallet users. If you had the chance to create a new account in the app before the end of March 17th you’d have received your airdropped IRIS tokens within 24 hours. This was an awesome gesture from the team to encourage enthusiasts to download and try out the Rainbow wallet app. Whenever a project runs an airdrop it’s always exciting times due to their market appeal to new community members. It’s also a great way to get the conversation rolling around IRIS Hub and what to be on the lookout for in the future.

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