[Portfolio Update]

Cypher Core
3 min readMay 16, 2020


Highlighting Regen Network’s Recent Postmortem

The Regen Network team recently issued a very informal post regarding last month’s conclusion of Kontraua, their most recent CosmWASM incentivized testnet. With this testnet we saw Regen’s Validator community get familiar with CosmWASM and continue focusing on general areas of management like upgrades, governance, and network maintenance. Below we’ll cover some highlights on everything that went down.


  • 62 validators successfully submitted their gentx, which was a new record for the community.
  • Phase 2 was eventful with validators giving away ERC-20 tokens to each other with specific instructions to doing such.
  • Phase 3 included a planned software upgrade which led to a first-ever for the Cosmos ecosystem, a skipped upgrade without a network halt/stall.
  • A selective bonus phase for validators saw the community issuing custom payout contracts for ecological credits, which we saw 7 awesome validator teams take on the task and deliver.
  • Testing of CosmWASM module was successful

If you’d like to get a more thorough breakdown of everything that happened check out this sweet issue by kaustubh kapatral.

General Update

IRISnet always has a plethora of updates for their community, and with Game of Zones underway we’re seeing tons of project teams take place within this event as well. with this issue, we'll be going over what’s went down over the last few weeks and see what the IRISnet team has done during GoZ.

Quick Hits

  • IRISnet co-founder Harriet Cao delivered some valuable insight during this year’s Consensus online conference.
  • Launched a new IBC live visualization.
  • Yelong, an IRISnet core developer found bug during GoZ.
  • The IRIS Foundation undelegated 1.7 million IRIS to increase annualized staking yield for validators and delegators.

Alliance for Prosperity Welcomes More Members

Since being introduced in March the Alliance has welcomed over 50% growth and continues to bring in reputable entities.

Recent announcements from the Alliance

  • Both Anchorage and Coinbase announced custody support for Celo Gold at launch
  • The Celo community voted that a portion of Celo block rewards be donated to planting trees through Project Wren. Project Wren has started integration with Celo to support a carbon neutral decentralized network.
  • cLabs and Appen ran a microwork pilot in Kenya. Learn more about it on the Survival Skills Podcast.
  • Upright launched Celo Camp, a virtual accelerator program for sustainable businesses to be built on the Celo Platform. The 8-week camp had 250 applicants from 60 countries and the 18 finalists will demo their projects on June 11.
  • Blockchain for Social Impact wrapped up their incubator on Earth Day and awarded the Celo Peace & Prosperity Challenge to Abundance, a project building inclusive community currencies on Celo with 10,000 community members including the Red Cross and Kenya-based grassroots economics.

New Members

Ankr, Althea, Bitfy, Blockchain Education Network, Coinfirm, Centrifuge, Dove Wallet, Dunia Pay, Grin, Hex Trust, LatAmTech, Mobike, MyCash Online, Netki, Ontology, Paxful, Peixe, Positive Blockchain, Ribon, Transak, United Africa Blockchain Association, and Yellow.

For more information on the Alliance’s recent developments check out this great writeup by the Celo Foundation.

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