Project Tracker — Issue 28

Jay | Human Being
Cypher Core
5 min readOct 12, 2021



CertiK Chain officially announced its rebrand to Shentu Chain this month after completing its Shentu-2 upgrade. Shentu has issued an updated whitepaper, along with a new website and twitter! After the rebrand, Shentu has participated in a few AMA’s to discuss what they’re currently working on and working towards in the near future. Shentu’s CTK is now available for staking on a few new platforms, including Unagii and Keplr. Shentu-2 was officially enabled on Ledger this month as well. Shentu integrated with Starname for users to get personalized identity and transfer funds with it on the Shentu blockchain.

BAND Protocol

With the recent successful launch of BandChain Phase 2, Laozi, Band has announced that the team has submitted a new BandChain Improvement Proposal (BCIP-4) to propose enabling the oracle requests through IBC. If this proposal passes, IBC-compatible chains can request oracle data and receive the oracle results which are proved to exist on BandChain by the IBC procedure. If the proposal passes, IBC feature on BandChain will be enabled automatically. The vote is set to take place on October 15th, so stay tuned! Boba Network (Enya), previously known as OmisegoX, has partnered with Band Protocol to bring secure decentralized oracles to their layer-2 optimistic rollup platform to build a more trusted and scalable Ethereum ecosystem.


In the last two years, Kava has successfully launched the Kava Platform and three high-demand protocols built on top of it. Kava has a phased series of funding that begins with the $185M Ignition Fund to establish a suite of best-in-class protocols developed by established teams. This month, Kava announced that part of this $185M Ignition Fund will go to Cosmostation to offset development costs and provide liquidity at launch for the new Cosmostation Stable Swap protocol built on the Kava Platform. The Cosmostation Stable Swap will be exclusive to the Kava Ecosystem and will allow users to trade and earn with a variety of high-demand stablecoins and BTC derivatives. The protocol will provide Kava users with new ways to bring capital into the ecosystem and generate returns in a secure, low-risk environment.

Vega Protocol

VEGA token launched on decentralised exchanges and announced an incentive scheme to reward liquidity providers (LPs) for contributing to the VEGA pools on SushiSwap. LPs can now stake their SLP tokens via the newly updated Vega Token website. Vega participated in Gitcoin’s hackathon to showcase the power and flexibility of GraphQL on Vega. In Vega’s new mini-blog series consisting of regular tech updates from the Core Engineering Team, they announced the following updates: Staking & delegating to validator nodes, rewards in the form of a portion of the Infrastructure Fee paid to stakers, and Data-node improvements on how data is stored and processed to make it more convenient for clients.


At the beginning of the month, BitSong announced the upcoming “Big Bang Upgrade” that marks the first time they have welcomed musicians, music industry participants, and music fans to their ecosystem, due to the launch of the Fan Token and NFT modules. That update will also bring significant changes in terms of user features as well as IBC and Liquidity Module.

Terra Money

Late this month Terra launched their new Terra Columbus-5 mainnet following the successful migration of Columbus-4. Terra called this the “boldest and most significant mainnet upgrade since the inception of the Terra protocol”. They reported that this upgrade will better capture value, port assets across chains, and set the foundation for a vibrant TeFi economy. This upgrade comes with a plethora of developments including IBC functionality. Terra broke down the major highlights into three parts, the economic changes, the Community Pool + Ozone, and IBC & Stargate which they dive deeper into in the blog posts. Early in the month they also announced “Project Dawn” which is a new funding initiative for critical infrastructure improvements and core technologies to supplement the accelerating growth of the Terra ecosystem. They released the final list of validators who will receive TDP delegations for the Terra Delegation Program. Big month for Terra! is a distributed cloud platform that provides serverless trusted computing services, file storage and database hosting to its users. On its mission to re-decentralize the web, integrated with both Saber and Port Finance this month. As data indexing continues to be a problem for Solana DeFi projects, aims to enhance data availability and offer scalability support to their platform to give users and developers alike a better experience.


Starname released a tech roadmap including all of their developments planned on the front & back end (and it’s a lot). The token, IOV, is also now listed on Osmosis and released a step by step how-to on providing liquidity to their pools $ATOM / $IOV and $OSMO / $IOV which can be found on their blog. In their Update Call, they discussed the Stargate Upgrade, new listings (Osmosis and a plan to apply for, Gmail launch to give users access to starnames through a Gmail account, Starname NFT feature, and answered some community questions. As mentioned previously, Starname has integrated with Shentu Chain to allow Shentu users to have their own unique starname!


This month, the Minter team kicked off the Honee crypto wallet into alpha testing, updated the Minter blockchain, launched new farming programs, and did a huge amount of work on the new Taconet functionality and the upcoming Minter Hub upgrade. Minter v2.5.0 update went live which included a number of upgrades and improvements.


After enabling IBC last month, Sifchain continued with upgrades and weekly updates for the community. They announced that they recently launched the ability to export Cosmos Network assets like Atom to Ethereum and added block rewards for validators and delegators, who can now earn over 60% APY. The team has been working to refine block rewards logic, working on enabling support for Terra and Osmosis on the Sifchain DEX, monitoring network performance, establishing the verified token addresses on aggregator sites like CoinGecko & CoinMarketCap, as well as mapping these tokens to the Polygon network to enable incentivized liquidity programs across partner ecosystems.

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Jay | Human Being
Cypher Core

Blockchain | Distributed Consensus | Software Architecture | Pitbull | Columbia University SEAS '17.