Mysteria’s P2E Puzzle Game Launch Recap and Prize Announcements

Alex Tandy
Published in
4 min readJan 26, 2022

We are excited to announce the completion of the private launch of our puzzle-based, P2E game, Mysteria. (BTW, if you missed this round, the next round starts on Saturday, February 5th, 2022 at 15:00:00 UTC !)

First, a nod and deep bow to our sponsors. The launch was sponsored and supported by some of your favorite Solana blockchain DeFi projects, Marinade Finance, Jupiter, SonarWatch, Friktion, and Saber. These lovely humans helped make the project’s prize pool so sweet, at 15 $mSOL and 4,000 $SONAR

Now, let’s hop into the review, starting with some data.

The Game Stats

We had well over a thousand players sign up and participate in the game — a great turnout for a private event and a new product. Here’s the breakdown


Players came from

  • 60+ countries
  • 250+ cities
A look at where players joined us from

Gameplay Stats

  • 27 Users Completed the Game
  • 154 correct answers
  • 12,870 incorrect answers
  • Most Solved Puzzle: Medical Exam
  • Least Solved Puzzle: A World Unfolding
  • Most Failed Puzzle: A World Unfolding with 8396 Wrong Answers Submitted — 65% of all incorrect answers provided
Yes, “A World Unfolding” was very hard. You are welcome to read how it can be solved here.
  • Number of people who completed one puzzle: 44
  • Number of people who Completed two puzzles: 13
  • People who attempted to answer a puzzle: 284
  • The first person to solve all three puzzles with no hints was HootHoot#8797.
  • The first person to solve a puzzle was ElmarElefant#1073. They solved Medical Exam 26 minutes after the game launched!
  • The last person to solve all 3, SyBhoy#8228, did so with 1 minute and 17 seconds remaining on the game clock. A true buzzer beater!

Community Stats

Distribution of players who completed all 3 cyphers and which community they represented.

Prize Distributions

Now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for. Here is how the prizes are being distributed, and to which wallets.

There are 8 categories that will receive prizes:

  • Placements, 1st -> 5th
  • 5 Random Winners
  • 4 Lucky Participants — got at least 1 answer correct
  • 15 Lucky Participants — attempted an answer

Please see the prize payout table below. Note that the USD value is the sum of mSOL Prize and Sonar amount. It fluctuates with the market and was calculated on Jan 24, 2022.

And now for the winners in each category

Category: 1st through Fifth Place

For those who would like to do some sleuthing:

Top 5 Placers
| ------------------------------------------------
1st | J5PmDvfYhrsmeqeo8MxtJiQu4p2dE6uVAF4wiFKvLQBQ
| ------------------------------------------------
2nd | Y37KYg5DUUdgGdwv3bbHVi4Hy1tTMmetSua2Rdvnxu5 and
| 3dNVRareqzUA67qB89jrtaJhE8ydkwWQSQJ2H5f8Niym
| ------------------------------------------------
3rd | 3sF8R49uqxctkaXTPq37dtMzKDuhbKimF95vUqniK7L9 and
| F1Xxnq3nPAAMvTPpit7rbUJiKifzFBkLg522k7h8Bdbi
| ------------------------------------------------
4th | 9UFs2zKABLWSRDDNFJy7qTJG9JfxDf6K9xJenYocWeA
| ------------------------------------------------
5th | J5meg3sua4foVr4HTsC14rEPPDREYcxMxTbmpZMVzLHD
| ------------------------------------------------

Category: Five Random Winners (Completed all 3 Puzzles)

5 Random Winners2utEUS5hcmZY1iPJdgUQ8pTqyxdYe9Dwz3x2x2aPeCgsDAnSDV3evp3eHg8EqBgLTQn2huzr4C2A2E8JdZj5Bugs9pJPGt1A98bgLVGxTiohbJf5n9jjER2NUH23e8zzPcKAsDcz47o2tauk5ZhfyQthUCJBSzim974h929NzketAJP8DwH56jhaoSPt4sLArhUUAmqcCjQfApSBGQcuajmDVEE

Category: Four Lucky Participants with at Least 1 Correct Answer

4 Lucky Participants w/ at least 1 correct answerAsh2nzQ3o1jLnxi8eRnnhj6yxgAbuxHrwS41k376FMAscS1YhGYGUJe5dXZS5kmAsiLAE1p6cwyL7uT8Xu1czvsBZYK2VombTTJqNB4imsv1cKJmdVjBGaZa6iQxCMtYZ4ZFzFmUMVh42CyPVSa4LUqR758uF4tocXKWf3fxJNBdvM2

Category: Fifteen Lucky Participants Who Attempted an Answer

15 Lucky Participants -- Attempted an Answer9NrhT2hEWHZxiEqD5ApvYskaWPP7aiqogNywziNsu6Uu

In addition to these mSOL and SONAR payouts (provided by our sponsors), we also have NFTs to provide various winners in the community, see below.

NFT Prizes

Category: First to Solve Each Puzzle, 1/1 NFTs

For the 1/1 NFTs, only three are sent out. Each NFT corresponds to the puzzle, and they are only earned by the people who solved the puzzle first.

Category: Players who completed all 3 puzzles

Players who completed all 3 puzzles will receive a Big Brain NFT from this private event. A total of 27 will be sent out to the following players:

Up Next

Here’s what’s next:

  1. Send out all payments to recipient wallets. All transactions should be completed by January 26, 02:00:00 UTC.
  2. NEXT ROUND BEGINS: Saturday, February 5th, 2022 at 15:00:00 UTC. Details will be posted in our Discord server (and on Twitter).

If you enjoyed our game, please give us a follow on Twitter, and check out our Discord server. And get ready for the next round! Thank you all for playing!



Alex Tandy

Publisher of “Journey from A to Z with Teacher Judy” ( Also, product leader working in tech.