Cypherium Ambassador Program

Published in
8 min readSep 30, 2021

We would like to thank you all for your continued patience, love, and support for the Cypherium blockchain. Your support has garnered the growth of our strong community and has been foundational to our success. To express our unfailing gratitude, we are pleased to announce the launch of the Cypherium Ambassador Program.

The Cypherium Ambassador Program is a chance for you, “our community,” to receive rewards for contributing to our ecosystem. The Cypherium Core Team has developed and implemented a proof-of-value system in the application process to meticulously evaluate your submission.

This post will outline everything you need to know about the program and how to participate. We are excited about the opportunity to work with you, our community, through the Cypherium Ambassador Program and drive our vision to fruition.

About the Cypherium Ambassador Program

We are looking forward to rewarding our community members who truly believe in Cypherium and our vision. We encourage anyone from the community who is passionate about supporting Cypherium to participate in the Ambassador Program. The purpose of the program is to stimulate the growth of the Cypherium ecosystem. Your contribution will undoubtedly be invaluable to our growth.

Our application evaluation process is fair and the Cypherium Core team is ready to conduct a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of your submissions. Our evaluation includes an assessment to reward a performance-based bonus for community members who demonstrate exceptional qualities in their contribution. Exceptional Ambassadors will be given an opportunity to receive the honorable and official title, “Cypherium Ambassador” and will be granted additional benefits.

Guideline: Roles

The Cypherium Ambassador role constitutes Content Ambassadors and Ecosystem Ambassadors. The roles detailed are not limited to our guidelines, as we are also looking for a wide range of creative contributions.

Please upload your contributions directly on relevant media platforms (Telegram, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, Discord, GitHub, Facebook, Medium, News Outlets, etc) with the tag, #Cypherium.

1. Content Ambassador

Blockchain Analyst:

  • Analyze Cypherium blockchain’s solutions that solve real-life problems
  • Analyze Cypherium blockchain’s new case studies
  • Analyze Cypherium blockchain’s advantages over other blockchains

Social Media Blogger:

  • Blog about Cypherium’s vision, technology, direction, contents, etc.


  • Create educational videos about the Cypherium blockchain
  • Create review videos of Cypherium’s current or potential use-cases
  • Create review videos of Cypherium’s blockchain capabilities

Graphic Designer:

  • Create Infographics that explain features of the Cypherium Blockchain
  • Design creative memes, graphics, emojis, merchandise for the Cypherium community


  • Translate media coverage about Cypherium for readers in your local community

2. Ecosystem Ambassador

  • Create a local Cypherium community channel and engage in networking through appropriate social networking platforms
  • Discover new use cases for Cypherium blockchain / use case acquisition
  • Create media referrals to land media coverage
  • Recommend a pragmatic vision and assist with designing a roadmap
  • Provide insightful and constructive feedback

Guideline: Rewards

The Cypherium Ambassador Program constitutes a 5-tier reward structure, and the more creative your submission, the higher your reward will be. We welcome originality, creativity, and active engagement.

The total value of Cypherium tokens that will be rewarded in the Cypherium Ambassador Program is $1,000,000 USD. An Ambassador who demonstrates exceptional quality and activity will be given the honorable and official title, “Cypherium Ambassador.” The Cypherium Ambassador has the potential to receive an unlimited performance-based reward. The reward system is tiered into five titles with the corresponding reward amount.

As we embark on the next phase of development, the foundation proffers an additional avenue by which our community can earn rewards. We introduce the “Cyphertrooper Army Tier System” as an extension of the existing Reward Tier System in hopes to further incentivize our community to become valuable agents of the Cypherium ecosystem.

The “Cyphertrooper Army Tier System” builds on the original tier system that was first conceived in the Cypherium Ambassador Program whilst all else (participation eligibility, roles, and reward guidelines) remain the same.

Now onto the Cyphertrooper Army Tier System…

The Cyphertrooper Army Tier System is divided into 6 officer ranks and they include 1) Non-Commissioned Officers; 2) Company Officers; 3) Warrant Officers; 4) Field Officers; 5) General Officers; 6) Commander-in-Chief. Each rank comes with unique perks, including CPH bounties and new profile pictures. Please read on for additional descriptions of each rank.

At the bottom of the ranks, we have our Non-Commissioned Officers and they include all of our community members. Although we cannot force everyone to change their profile pictures, we highly encourage you to do so to foster community bonding. The first 100 people who change their Telegram profile picture and follow all of Cypherium’s SNS channels will be awarded 10 CPH, which will be distributed after a quick verification process. Please change your Telegram profile picture and contact one of our community managers in the main Telegram channel in order to receive the claim form.

Non-Commissioned Officers

Next, we have our Company Officers. These are community members holding more than 10,000 CPH. These individuals will need to send their CPH wallet address and a screenshot of their wallet (to show that they hold at least 10,000 CPH) in order to receive this profile picture. A one-time reward of 100 CPH will be distributed to our community members who pass the verification process! Please contact one of our community managers in the main Telegram channel in order to receive the claim form.

Company Officers

Higher up the chain of command are the Warrant Officers. These are our outstanding ambassadors and local community managers. A prerequisite to becoming a warrant officer is to have earned at least 2 Platinum rewards, or its equivalent in other awards. For example, 2 Gold rewards equate to 1 Platinum reward, so an applicant could alternatively have received 4 Gold rewards for eligibility to become a Warrant Officer.

To further incentivize our Warrant Officers and to reward their efforts, we will offer a one-time bounty of 125 CPH upon selection to the program. Our community managers will send the profile pictures to our selected Warrant Officers individually.

Warrant Officers

Next, we have our Field Officers. These include our main community managers and active participants of our main and developer community. For example, members who take the initiative to proactively answer questions from new members or create digital marketing content to promote Cypherium are eligible for this rank. This position comes with a one-time welcome bounty of 200 CPH. Field officers will receive their customized profile pictures directly from our community manager.

Field Officers

Further up we have our General Officers. These are the heads of community managers as well as community members who show exceptional performance and initiative by bringing use-cases or onboarding new community members. General Officers will receive a one-time welcome bounty of 250 CPH. Like the other ranks, this is also dependent on results from a preliminary trial period, but the bounty that is given is separate from the rewards system. These customized General Officer pictures will be sent individually by the core Cypherium team.

General Officer_Yves

Finally, we have our Commander-in-Chief. This title is for the Cypherium CEO Sky, who has guided the Cyphertroopers throughout all seasons of the crypto market.


If you’re interested in joining us, read below for the specifics of the ambassador program and how to apply!

Eligibility: How do I participate in the Cypherium Ambassador Program?

Please review the guidelines for the application and participation in the Cypherium Ambassador Program. If you have additional questions, please contact or the community managers from the Cypherium official Telegram.

  1. Review Terms and Conditions
  • The Terms and Conditions for the Cypherium Ambassador Program will give you more information on the program. Please read the Terms and Conditions carefully for rights, duties, liabilities, eligibility, and necessary conditions for applying and participating in the Program. Your participation in the program is subject to your agreement to the Terms and Conditions.

2. Application Process

  • After completing your monthly contribution, please fill out the Application Form based on your submission type before the end of each month. You are eligible to apply for both content and ecosystem ambassador roles.

3. Reward Announcement:

  • Award recipients, which include Tier-1 to Tier-5 Ambassadors, will be subject to a rigorous screening process. We will make announcements for selections on the first day of each month, starting on November 1, 2021.

4. Reward Distribution:

  • Selected Award Recipients will receive a confirmation email directly from the Cypherium Core Team. All rewards will be sent to the wallet address you submit and will be distributed by the Cypherium Core team.

One Final Note:

Please be aware that the Cypherium Ambassador Program application is open and available only on the official Cypherium Ambassador Program Application Form. You will not have access to the application form on any other websites or platforms. All rewards will be distributed to you by the Cypherium team. All applications for the Cypherium Ambassador Program will be reviewed by the Cypherium Core Team on a rolling basis until all Rewards ($1,000,000) have been distributed.

For the prosperity of the Cypherium ecosystem, we are also planning educational programs, hackathons, and other promotional events that actively promote Cypherium’s technology and support our developer community. Our upcoming Developer Bounty Program is an example of our plan to proliferate our ecosystem.

We hope that many of our community members from around the world will take full advantage of the Ambassador Program, as well as the upcoming Developer Bounty Program, to receive CPH as a reward for their valuable contributions. The Cypherium Core team will actively support you as we take our ecosystem to new heights.

If you have any questions regarding the Cypherium Ambassador Program, please contact us at

— Check the Terms and Conditions & Join the Cypherium Ambassador Program by Applying!

