[UPDATE] Cypherium | Public Sale Announcement

Published in
2 min readAug 31, 2020

Dear Cypherium Community,

We are writing with an update with exciting details about our public sale. The public token sale will take place on Monday, September 14th via the TokenSoft Platform. Registration for the sale will take place on September 9th at which time further details (token distribution, timeline, etc) of the public sale will be announced. This announcement is meant to give a heads-up to our community, builders, and enthusiasts.

A total of 300 million tokens will be sold. This is a significant reduction from our original plan of 400 million to favor our community. The sale will be conducted in two phases. Phase 1 will sell 200 million tokens at a price of $0.25 USD per CPH. After that point, we will move onto Phase 2, in which 100 million tokens will be made available at a price of $0.28 USD per CPH. Any leftover tokens will be reallocated to the Cypherium ecosystem fund for use at a future date.

This highly anticipated moment is the culmination of a very eventful year for our network.

As custodians of our early backers’ capital and trust, we have been at work perfecting our technology, while the crypto space accumulated the attention and respect it truly deserves. We are elated to finally offer this product to the public.

Thank you for supporting Cypherium and we look forward to continuing this journey with you! Be sure to follow us on Telegram and Twitter to receive the most up to date information! Fight on #CypherTroopers!

