An amazing email productivity hack

Daniel Trugman
Published in
3 min readJul 3, 2022
  • Do you find yourself subscribing to newsletters?
  • Do you find yourself registering to different websites?
  • Do you find yourself manually arranging emails from different sources into different directories or creating per-site filters to do that for you?
  • Do you find yourself sharing your personal email when would’ve preferred not to?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of those questions. The following is for you! I will share two tricks that will take your email management to the next level.

Before we start, let’s assume that you currently have a single email address box:

Trick #1: Never share your personal email ever again (Unless you want to…)

This trick is a combination of two very neat features. It requires an additional mail box that you feel comfortable sharing. Let’s say we’ve created an extra mail box:

You can now go to your new public mailbox and setup the first part — Forwarding. In Gmail, you can do that by going to: Settings > Forwarding and POP/IMAP > Forwarding:

One you add the forwarding address, you get an email to your personal mailbox to approve that, and that’s it, you never have to look at this email account ever again!

The second part is to go to your private mailbox and enable it to send emails under the new alias (Which is a really cool feature by itself). In Gmail, you can do that by going to: Settings > Accounts and Import > Send mail as:

Again, you’ll have to approve that in your public mailbox once you receive the request email, and that’s it.

Now, you can successfully receive and reply to emails sent to the public address from your personal inbox while retaining full control over the private address!

Trick #2: Easily manage different topics

Now that we can easily subscribe to newsletters and shady websites using our public address, let’s make sure it’s SUPER easy to manage different topics.

Let’s say you want to buy a new car, and you’re going to be doing a significant amount of market research, but you don’t want to miss interesting newsletter feeds because of that. How does one go around that? Just use Plus Addressing (aka Subaddressing)!

This awesome feature goes overlooked, but it’s actually priceless. The idea is super simple: You can append any +<suffix> to you address and incoming mails still hit the same inbox!

For example, if someone sends an email to , the email will arrive at your inbox just like any other mail!

Now you can create super simple filters to get those emails skip the inbox and hit a dedicated folder:

  • Move to a car folder
  • Move to a newsletter folder
  • Etc. (You’re smart, you get the point)

You can even decide to never see those again and simply send them straight to the trash bin!

Combined together, those two features take your email experience to a whole new level! And I hope this has the same effect for you as it did for me :)

Hope to see you again next week!



Daniel Trugman
Editor for

A software specialist passionate about elegant and efficient technology. I Love learning and sharing my knowledge.