Keep your MacBook alive & kickin’

Daniel Trugman
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2022

Had enough of your company laptop locking itself while you read the document? Ever trained ML models on your laptop and realized the process was cut short?

Instead of wiggling your mouse every few seconds, just install Owly!

Owly is a small application for MacOS that you can download through the App Store, and its entire purpose is preventing your monitor from going to sleep.

The application is super easy, once you install it, you get a small widget in your Mac’s menu bar:

When you click the icon, you get a straightforward menu:

Just choose the amount of time you want the Mac to stay awake, and get your CPU to keep on crunching those neural networks for you while you grab a cuppa.

Ohh, and it supports the new M1 processors, which is nice.

Disclaimer: I don’t get any royalties from the app, I just enjoy it.

Thanks for reading. Hope you found it useful! See you next week.



Daniel Trugman
Editor for

A software specialist passionate about elegant and efficient technology. I Love learning and sharing my knowledge.