The Mass Exodus Continued: An Alternative Solution

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4 min readJun 10, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is still very much ongoing. Different countries are at different stages in their journey against the virus: some of us emerging relatively unscathed, some are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and some are still very much in the throes of it. Within the uncertainty remains the sure fact that how we work is still very much in flux.

A Brief Recap

In our previous posting we discussed how the need for more versatility was essential in maintaining some level of normality during the crises. That versatility manifests itself mostly as readjusting to the ‘work-from-home world.’

We also discussed how a VPN router in the main office, paired with OpenVPN can be a viable solution to offering staff secured connectivity to necessary business tools and files in the main office. This post seeks to further explore methods that can make working from home a safe and secure endeavor, minimizing risk to both staff and business alike.

An Alternative Solution

Though certainly a worthy solution, for it to work, every device needs the OpenVPN client installed and configured in order to connect via the VPN tunnel. This brings two drawbacks:

1.) If the users themselves are going to install it, it requires some IT skills.

2.) If the IT admin is responsible for it, installing and setting up the client on every device can be highly time consuming.

Thankfully, there is another way to offer a secure VPN connection: a site-to-site VPN. Though this solution requires more equipment, it can overcome the two drawbacks previously stated.

For this example, we will use the D-Link DWR-925 4G LTE Router which is ideal for rapid deployment. Without all the bells and whistles, it is also budget friendly, which is essential as businesses right now must tighten belts more than ever.

IT admins must start by preconfiguring a router with the appropriate VPN settings that will allow a connection to the VPN (such as the DSR-1000AC) within the main office. One initial setup is complete, it is all smooth sailing from then on. DECS is a handy tool for configuring your staffs’ offsite routers. New configuration can be made pushed to devices remotely, so there is no need to go on site and configure. A second major time saver is batch configuration: should you need to configure some settings or update firmware on all your VPN routers, DECS makes it possible to do them all at once.

Batch configuration means you only need to configure a single device once. Once that is done and dusted, just export those settings to all the VPN routers you own, simple as that. This is a clear benefit over the OpenVPN solution that requires setting up every new device individually.

Once the VPN Routers are configured correctly, the ball is back in the users’ court. Staff do not need to spend any time installing routers and installing preset configurations. They merely need to take the router home with them and connect it via an Ethernet cable (as well as the power supply, of course!). From then on, they are ready to work from home.

It’s Good to Have Options

Some other key advantages to this solution are the hardware features of the DWR-925 Router. Two SIM card slots allows the use of a mobile broadband connection. It would be wrong to assume that everyone has a wired broadband connection in their home. SIM card slots offer you the ability to provide your staff with a broadband connection should they need it. This can also allow this router to become somewhat of a ‘on-the-go’ solution. As long as there’s a power socket available, the router can be plugged in and a VPN connection established anywhere with signal coverage.

Another benefit is DECS role in the solution. As a centralized management tool, IT admins can keep an eye on all their externally deployed VPN Routers. This enables abilities such as remote batch pushing of updated configurations or even firmware upgrades. Again, there is no need to individually modify settings or update on-site. It can be done over the air.

Secondly, it can add another level of security in the event of loss or theft of the VPN router. Though unlikely, it can happen, and it is best to have all eventualities planned for. Detect when the router is being used by an unauthorized user and then disable remotely to maintain the security of your business and assets.

Wrap Up

We are in a time where it pays to be agile. D-Link offers different solutions that can facilitate a better, more effective method for working-from-home. Though it is hard to plan far ahead, it is wise to consider the long term, as well as the short term, and invest time and money accordingly.

Stay at Home
Work Safe



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