AND: curated by Meg Erlewine and Jade Hoyer

October 30, 2015—Gallery 1010, Knoxville, TN

Elysia Mann
3 min readNov 15, 2015


Dear Mom,
I know I was really excited to come to camp, and it’s been great. It was especially great when I first got here. So many new friends and so much art! Lately, though, I’ve been wondering if this was really the best way to spend my summer. This place makes me feel bad about myself. I’ve learned a lot, but it feels like everything I make is a load of horseshit (sorry). All my friends are making really cool stuff, but everything they say is a load of—well… It’s like they’re just trying to make it to counselor. Everyone wants to be invited to Camp Made-It—the nice one upstate that serves desserts with every meal. I think I might want to just be done with camp. Or maybe I never want to leave camp. Camp. Camp camp camp camp camp camp camp camp. Does it have anything to do with the world? Do I? I just want to make things—will it matter? Will I?

It’s been raining a lot. Sorry I haven’t called.


The October 30th exhibition of AND at Gallery 1010 was curated by Meg Erlewine and Jade Hoyer (both of Knoxville) in collaboration with non-local artist/organizers that will host similar exhibitions: Cynthia Tidler (Madison, WI) and Sarita Zaleha (Iowa City, IA). The extensive project—which includes 433 works by artists from across the world—is also documented online at Jade is an MFA-candidate in Printmaking at UTK’s School of Art. Meg also studies at UTK, and is a second-year graduate in Transmedia Design. More information on their work can be found at and

