Aside Medium: All About Telegram’s Telegraph

D23 Tech
D23 Tech
Published in
3 min readDec 3, 2020
Photo by Art Lasovsky on Unsplash

In the past few years, platforms such as Medium have emerged to give the world a taste of social journalism, where both amateur and professional writers have one cohesive platform to make their voices heard.

Yet Telegraph, the public publishing platform launched in 2016 by cloud-based messaging app Telegram, promises to take social journalism a step further. Telegraph is available for use by anyone with Internet access, and aspiring publishers may even remain anonymous.

All you’ll have to do is go to the Telegraph portal at, include a title, and the piece can be published instantly.

Type in Google search bar home page
You are on, start writing!

Users can even easily embed outside media to embellish their own articles, such as clips from YouTube or Vimeo.

With its easy-to-use nature, Telegraph users will be able to easily engage with their target audience, refine communication strategies, and even grow a dedicated following.

Each piece gets its own unique URL, and can be published on a user’s own Telegram channel or other social media platforms. This stands in stark contrast to platforms like Medium, which requires users to log-in and automatically catalogs all of their past work. With Telegraph, each piece can function as a standalone publication.

With Telegram recently hitting 400 million monthly active users, it stands to reason that Telegraph already has an impressively large potential audience. Thus, businesses using Telegraph easily widen their potential audience reach in just the time it takes to log-in and post. Telegraph can even give users page view statistics for their publications, allowing them to figure out which pieces have become most popular, where their readers are based, and so much more. Ready access to data allows a business to efficiently decide what type of content they should be putting out and how they should interact with followers in the future.

Telegraph may then be most utilized by channels with already large followings as a means of further engaging with their core audience. Doing so could position Telegram as a major publication powerhouse, in the same vein as websites such as Medium, Thought Catalog, Blogger, WordPress, and more.

Overall, Telegraph’s presence shows just how willing Telegram is to evolve beyond its original role as a messaging service. In fact, Telegram has now come to be recognized as a veritable marketing avenue, as evidenced by the number of companies looking to perfect a Telegram communications strategy.

As such, agencies such as D23 Tech have even emerged to offer emerging tech & blockchain companies a way to redefine their Telegram strategy. With Telegram then emerging as the leading platform for the blockchain and cryptocurrency communities, solutions such as those offered by D23 will allow businesses to maximize their use of new tools like Telegraph.



D23 Tech
D23 Tech
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Empowering Tech & Blockchain companies using Telegram