Timing Attack on openmptcprouter-vps-admin authentication CVE-2021–31245

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2 min readMay 1, 2021

openmptcprouter-vps-admin Version 0.57.3 and before is vulnerable to timing attack during authentication based on ‘Basic Authentication’ mechanism.

The weakness exists in the file omr-admin.py on line 779 where the password supplied in the HTTP request is compared with the one in the configuration. The method uses python string comparison ‘==’ method which internally compares the string one character at a time without checking the string length returning false only when a character differs. More analysis has already been done and can be found here

Let’s look at the code snippet responsible for this weakness,

I reported the issue to the author https://github.com/Ysurac and a fix was issue within hours the same day. After fix, the code snippet looks like the below,

(Link to the commit history)

Basically, the author used python secrets module’s “compare_digest()” method to securely compare strings. Official document for this module can be found here

This issue has been reported to MITRE and they assigned CVE-2021–31245 to it.


Although timing attacks are difficult, they are not impossible. So one must account for these possibilities when implementing functions such as authentication/authorization or anything that has a security impact.

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