Installing LoopBack and Create an App - 01

Ahmed Thaajwer
D6 Digital
Published in
3 min readJul 11, 2019
  • LoopBack is highly extensible, open-source Node.js framework based on Express that enables you to quickly create APIs and microservices composed from the backend system such as database and SOAP or REST services.
  • Here I am going to explain the method of installing LoopBack and Create App.

Step- 01

  • First, you have to confirm that you were already installed node.
  • For that, you have to run npm -v in your terminal.
  • Here I have confirmed that. My machine has node (version 6.4.1)

Step- 02

  • Then, type npm install -g loopback-cli in your terminal and run the command.
  • Yeah, LoopBack is installing now.

Step- 03

  • After finish installation of LoopBack, Create a new folder into the C drive as you wish. Here I have created as Js Projects.

Step- 04(Creating hello-loop App)

  • Then, In your terminal go to the Js Project folder and type lb and run the command.
  • After that, The generator guides you through creating your application. Enter and Select the values highlighted in green.
  • After finish these all steps, you can check your Js Projects folder whether the application created or not.
  • Yeah, here hello-loop application has created into the Js Projects folder.

Step- 05(Creating a person model into the hello-loop app)

  • After creating the hello-loop app, in your terminal go to the hello-loop app and run the lb model command.
  • After that, The generator guides you through creating your model. Enter the values highlighted in green. To accept the default, just press Enter.
  • Then, go to the hello-loop application folder and check the directory hello-loop/common/model
  • Yeah, person model has been successfully added into our hello-loop app.

Step- 06(Add some properties to our model)

  • Here I am going to add the name and age as property.
  • Adding name property.
  • Adding age property.
  • Press Enter when prompted for a property name to finish up and create the model.

Step- 07(Run the application)

  • To run the application, run the node . command in your terminal.
  • You will get like this,
  • Load http://localhost:3000/explorer to see the built-in API Explorer.
  • Yeah, here we got our hello-loop application. Congratulations.

Thank you for Reading.😊



Ahmed Thaajwer
D6 Digital

B.Sc.(hons) in Computing & Information System(SUSL). Former Software Engineer@D6 Digital. IEEE Brand Ambassador@IEEE. Regional Country Director@UYG.