DAB Sesh — 9/23

Welcome to the first DAB Sesh 🥳 The NFT Registry dropped last week and we’re already gearing up to add a Canister Registry next week! Keeping the pace up😎

DAB — An open internet service.
4 min readSep 23, 2021


Welcome to the first DAB Sesh 🤙 a series that’s all about keeping the community up to date on what we’re working on for DAB, in-between releases.

We hope DAB Sesh sparks conversations among the community so that together, we can ensure that DAB moves in the right direction. That said, you can also hop into our Discord to hang out and jam on ideas!

Last week we launched DAB V0.1.0 with the NFT list 🚀 We want to say thank you for the amazing feedback, and we’re pumped to see the list growing with new submissions. If you haven’t yet submitted your NFT collection to be listed in DAB, you can do so here! 😁

What are we preparing for our next release? 🧰

This week we have been looking to expand the scope of DAB to include more than just NFTs. We’re talking about:

  • The Canister Registry release
  • DAB-js Updates (support new standard, and canister registry)

DAB Canister Registry 🛢

We’re working on V0.2.0 right now, which will come with our next registry, the Canister Registry!

Canister controllers/owners will be able to associate a Canister ID to a set of metadata (kind of like a profile, but for canisters!), so that any app that surfaces Canister IDs -and integrates DAB- can surface that information, instead of just showing a Canister ID”.

Let’s think of an example! IC Rocks could use DAB’s canister registry to show names, logos, and descriptions for all listed canisters; or Plug (the wallet extension) could integrate it to show more descriptive information about the canisters a Dapp wants to make calls to with your identity, like the NNS canister!

Poof! 🧙‍♂️ Gone will be the days of interacting with unknown canisters, without knowing who and what they are for, or having to hardcode that information to show it to users; and it’ll also open up the door to reduce risks in the future, by helping users identify risky canisters for example.

The current challenges we’re solving 🧰

Not all has been ☀️ and 🌈, there are still technical challenges to solve. Our main challenge right now is how to confirm who the controller of a canister is. Unfortunately, DFX does not let you make a call to an unowned canister to retrieve its controller.

Without being able to verify who owns a canister, we cannot know who to allow to set the metadata for the said canister.

Our current solution? Providing canister controllers with a simple method that they can copy/paste into their canister. That will allow DAB’s Canister Registry to ping their canister and check the controller. Pretty neat, huh! We’re still exploring other options, and we’ll share more when these are ready.

DAB-js Updates 📡

DAB-js will be updated to reflect the addition of the Canister Registry. You will be able to use the DAB-js library inside of your application to make calls to the Canister registry that will return you the metadata associated with the Canister ID that you have passed in.

We’ll be also adding a new standard to the wrapper! The Departure Labs NFT standard, which will allow us not only to list new NFT collections following that standard but allow any app that integrates DAB to interact/support them right away using the same shared interface/methods as the EXT & ICPunks standard.

A simple yet super powerful update🔥

Community Feature Requests 📬

There are other features in the works that might not arrive on the next update, but that have been requested by the community, and we want to give an update on today:

Automated List Additions ⚙️

A quality-of-life feature that has been requested on day 1: allowing the automated additions of NFT canisters to the NFT Registry, without filling out a form.

We’re exploring some options for this, and it’s in the works. It will not be included in the next release, because it is partially blocked by the controller issue we mentioned before, but we will keep everyone posted!

Wrapping it up! 👋

As we wrap up this week’s DAB Sesh, we just want to say how much we appreciate the amount of feedback and questions we’ve been getting from our users in Discord this week.

It’s been a great launch week and we’re pumped to start seeing Dapps integrating DAB registries. We have a lot more plans for DAB, stay tuned as we go live with more updates!



DAB — An open internet service.

DAB is an Internet Computer open internet service for NFT, token, canister, and Dapp registries.