DAB V0.3.0: The Token Registry has Arrived! 🚀

A new list is joining DAB, the Token List will help to seamlessly integrate and auto-surface Internet Computer tokens in any UI/dApp, integrating them regardless of their standard using DAB-js’s standard wrapper.

DAB — An open internet service.
3 min readDec 21, 2021


The Token List & Registry is here! The third of DAB’s open registries is releasing at par with the evolution of the Internet Computer’s DeFi space growth, and maturity, which is starting to allow the first new tokens to appear on the ecosystem.

DAB V0.3.0 — The Token Registry 🚀

The Token Registry will work exactly like the NFT List. Any Token can get listed on this open registry, regardless of its standard (DIP20, EXT to start), adding metadata for UIs to surface (name, symbol, image, Canister ID, standard…)

Then UIs, apps, and DeFi experiences can consume this list & integrate it using DAB-js to integrate and auto-surface and support all tokens on the list for your users (showing their balance, allowing them to interact with them for example to make transfers), as well as anyone that’s added in the future, without having to do per-token or per-standard integrations.

How can it support any standard? Because DAB-js, the library you use to query DAB’s lists and integrate NFTs, Tokens, etc… Has a token standard wrapper that wraps any standard into a common interface.

This way, any developer can, instead of having to do different integrations for each token standard, it can use DAB’s common interface and call the same method (e.g transfer) and let DAB-js do the work of translating that to the appropriate DIP20 or EXT calls, depending on the token.

A speedy and easy way to add multi-standard token support to your dApp, without worrying about adding new tokens over time (they are added to DAB’s list instead and auto-surfaced in your app.

The first tokens in DAB’s Token List?

Integrate DAB’s Token List into your App 🧰

How can you do so? Easy! With the DAB-js library. It provides all necessary methods to query DAB’s lists (Token, NFT, or Canister list), as well as the wrapped methods to interact with assets (transfer, get balance, etc.)

Visit our documentation and repositories to get started!

Until Next Time 👋

Thanks for joining us on this release! We’re working on new changes to DAB’s registries, so expect news soon, including an architecture restructuring that would allow external projects to create/spawn their own custom lists as well through DAB!



DAB — An open internet service.

DAB is an Internet Computer open internet service for NFT, token, canister, and Dapp registries.