DAB’s New Website, With a UI to View All of its Lists & Registries ✨

Today we’re revamping our website into an integrated app where anyone can see all of DAB’s Lists (NFT, Canister now, Dapp, and Token in the future) and their current entries!

DAB — An open internet service.
2 min readNov 26, 2021


Time to freshen up! Today we’re excited to showcase our website’s new revamped looks, with a much-requested feature! A UI where you can see all of DAB’s lists, their current entries.

DAB’s New Site & List UI 🗞️

Fresh looks! We revisited the main website and if you navigate the drop down in the nav bar or click view in one of our lists… You’ll get to the new list pages! We’ve done the NFT list first, and the other ones are coming soon.

In each list’s UI you will be able to view all current items listed and available on the registry (e.g. NFTs seen above).

You’ll also have a quick button to Integrate DAB and visit the documentation or Submit a New Item to the List through our forms, which we will replace with automated flows in this UI in the future.

Another neat aspect of this interface is the Source Verified column, which will be using Cover, the Internet Computer canister code verification open internet service to showcase if that NFT, Token, or Canister’s code has been verified with Cover publicly.

DAB’s New Site & List UI 🗞️

That’s it for today! An update to ensure DAB is future-proofed and flexible enough for any developer wishing to integrate it into its



DAB — An open internet service.

DAB is an Internet Computer open internet service for NFT, token, canister, and Dapp registries.