5 things I do on my birthday

Pranjali Desai
Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2020

Everyone has a day to celebrate, that our birthday. Most people celebrate their birthday with their friends, family, etc.

5 things I do on my birthday

I like to be happy, because it the first day of your year, if you are happy on the first-day rest of your year will be full of happiness, So make sure you smiling the whole day.

I gift myself, I know most of the people get a gift from others and they celebrate it. But be kind to yourself and gift yourself for being so hardworking, for being kind. Appreciate your self by gifting yourself with a gift. Make be it a small gift. Do it, you will feel blessed.

I take a day off on my birthday and visits all my friends and family and take blessings from them. I want people to gift me lots of gifts because I like the thought behind the gift, someone is really thinking about you and selecting a gift for you depending on what you want, at the end of the day I want to be happy

The first thing I do when I get up is to thank god for so wonderful life he has given to me, I special thank all my people around me for the support and love they have given me.

the last thing I do is celebrate my birthday, I usually go on a trip , I like to with nature on my birthday. I like to do hiking or some sort of adventure which brings a different experience in my life. Usually, my birthday comes in the rainy season, I usually get a beautiful waterfall to see. which makes my day special.

