5 things I wish I knew before buying an 80-years old house

Ambreen Sajjad
Published in
4 min readFeb 22, 2019
Photo by Erik Witsoe on Unsplash

I wanted to write something as a community service especially for old house lovers or for the people who are planning to buy an old property.

I am going to talk real, as it was a really bad experience. So, I want to advise everyone who is looking to take any kind of decision regarding the property. Today, most of the people consider buying an old property because it seems like an exciting thing, as they love the charm and character which all the old houses have.

The most significant thing is, all the old houses need daily maintenance and cleaning. I have talked with many people who own old property and have plenty of the same issues as I have discussed above.

The below-listed items are not specific to old houses only, but they have other several issues that couldn’t be handled by even professional contractors.

Thorough inspection- the most important thing I missed!

I agree I made a mistake of not getting inspected my house first. I wish I would have done that before. The inspector caught different important items, but he also missed some essential things that added up to a huge amount.

Many people assume that when you are buying an old home, spending more than $700 on the inspection is not a good idea. But trust me, inspectors are the only people who can highlight different problems. They help you find multiple structural issues. And after that, you can hire the traditional engineers or contractors to deal with the issue.

Ask how long the property has been unoccupied:

You might face a lot of issues if your house has been unoccupied for several years. You will have to bear the sulfur smell and find bats and mold in attic & basement. No, I am not saying that issues arise would not have happened if the house was occupied. But it can contribute to the issues if nobody is there to maintain and clean. When the old property was not used carefully, and all the systems got old and damaged, then you will have to experience water and air circulation issues. Moreover, no human intervention can also invite insects like ants, critters, and rodents.

Use of storm windows and screens:

I found an only good thing in that old house is the storm windows and screens. The couple who live here before me preferred using those windows for multiple reasons. So, after moving into that house, I only considered weather stripping for those windows. And I was literally amazed, it was such a great thing. It helped me survive winter without even feeling extra cold. If you are buying an old house which has no storm windows and screens, then it’s better to spend on home improvement as they can help you increase the resale value of your home as well.

It might be a little expensive but it’s also worth it. My friends asked why I am getting new windows as old ones are already looking historic and traditional. But I wanted to add more character and charm along with the increase resale value.

Roof leaks and moisture issues:

Yes, this was the most serious problem I faced. I had a serious roof leak issue. And needed to replace the parts of the roof in some areas of the house. Your inspector can also help you detect such issues. But I had already made the mistake of not having an inspection, so I suffered a lot.

Another problem was mold and moisture. If you also see a few signs of moisture and mold, then run. Never buy that house as it could create more damage in the future. Moreover, if your house has plaster walls and you have found staining then get the help of any professional and ask him to detect the source. Moisture can also peel the paint. Gutter and leakage issues were also quite common which caused drainage issues afterward.

Check out the water filtration system:

Yes, A city slicker, bought an old property with well water. And it was literally smelled like a horrible rotten egg. It was just the sulfur in the water, my area already had a lot of sulfur. I washed the dishes in it. Its smell was so nasty that I could barely bear it. Sulfur is not bad for your health, but it simply stinks like the smell of some rotten eggs.

If you have also experienced the same things as mentioned above, then you might understand the problem more clearly. But if you are a new homeowner and planning to buy some old property then keep in mind, these issues could simply spoil the overall appearance of your home and you might need to spend big bucks to make it look better.



Ambreen Sajjad
Writer for

I am a professional content writer and contributor of numerous publications. I love to read, and create different newsworthy blogs and opinions.