Don’t Listen to Everything Your Doctor Says… Here’s Why

Jennifer Ping (Modern Mystic)
Published in
3 min readAug 11, 2018

There’s something seriously wrong with our medical system, in a way it has to do with the way our society is structured too. We live in a world that values science and facts above all else, even so in the field of medicine. Except we are rarely told of the truth behind the facts.

The Truth is… we KNOW… and DON’T KNOW.

Most of the information we gather comes from studies. We quote them as if they were the ultimate truths yet in most cases, the studies are only probabilities of things.

  1. Generalilzations May or May Not Apply

One of the biggest fallacies in the way our medical system is in order to create simpler facts and tips, we often neglect the individual circumstances and conditions. The worst part is that doctors often enforce these doctrines without understanding individual circumstances. If you’re fat, then you must be lazy and eat a lot of junk food and sugar.

In my own personal experience, I’ve been told to eat “healthily” by following the standard diet recommendations from the government. It’s great and all but my body doesn’t function very well with high carbs. On multiple occasions I’ve had to tell doctors

2. Over reliance on quick fixes

The general Western mentality ofquick fixes has educated a society of people who have an over reliance on drugs instead of taking responsibility for their own well being. Natural remedies are sometimes discredited and over emphasis is put on what modern western medicine deems as fact.

3. Be weary of what research and studies really tells us.

As part of the medical science community, research and studies are often presented as facts. This is a serious problem as we often fail to take into account of circumstances and context of these studies. For example, drug companies often endorse certain favorable studies to help sell drugs and can even warp conditions to create favorable results. Studies include criteria and variables that often cannot account for influential factors such as placebo or even environmental factors.

Take an example of a patient with cancer factors such as hereditary influences, emotional and mental influences stress level and other potential environmental factors are often omitted from the studies which makes the results often questionable due to its ambiguity. Nonetheless, you will still see number or stats from studies which may or may not be able to paint an accurate picture.

4. Never forget about MONEY

As much as pharmaceutical companies have good intention to cure certain diease. Let’s not forget they are always for-profit corporations first and foremost. This means, when it comes to whatthey fund adn publish as research, you always gotta ask if there’s an alterior motive or agenda behind the “stat data”. When we lower standards of blood pressure or nutritional recommendations, what is the economic impact.

The hard cold truth is, often its the pill that makes the buck so whatever the reason to get you buying a pill and staying on a pill is the name of the game. Morals and betterment of humanity is rarely the motivation behind these corporate giants.

What should we do instead?

Listen to your body

Pay close attention and you’ll realize your body tells you a lot of things without words. A drop in temperature that may be the pre-text to a cold. A discomfort in the stomach as signs of indigestion. Weakness or depression could mean signs of nutrient efficiencies.

Discomfort is not normal.



Jennifer Ping (Modern Mystic)
Writer for

Exposing the darkness with the light of love. Creating a reality that is fitting for you. Awareness, perception, change, and growth.