Energy Vampire Friends — What is that, and how do we recognize them.

Vour Essence
Published in
5 min readFeb 3, 2018
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“Hey, it’s been a week since we last talking. How are you?”

“I’m horrible. Still crying every single day because of Alex. I just can’t believe we would broke up after these 5 years.”

“Ah..You know, my week is horrible too. Andy refused to take me to aerobic class again. You know how long I’ve been trying to ask him right?”


“And he did this every time! Can you believe it? It took me looong time to even get him to agree to take me shopping every once in a while!”

“Um.. Yes..”

“Bla bla bla bla bla…”

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You probably thinking, isn’t the second person just broke up with her 5-years old long boyfriend? Why don’t they talk about that instead?

And the first person trying to compare her everyday life problem to 5 years old relationship break up? Isn’t that a little unfair?

Well, you’ve just witnessing conversations of toxic friendship between an energy vampire and normal people.

What is energy vampire, you ask?

Let’s find out more.

According to, energy vampires are emotionally immature individuals who have the sense that the whole world revolves around them. They are almost incapable of seeing things from another person’s perspective. They often lack empathy. They believe that they must take everything they can get from others and that giving anything will deprive them of essential resources. It’s as if the whole world exists just to serve them and you are the latest object upon which they have set their sights for exploitation.

To put simply, just like vampire, they suck.

But instead of blood, they suck energy. Of yours.

Your attention, interests, and empathy are what they want and need. This is their source of energy.

Normal people’s interactions will often makes you energize. You will feel happy by their companion, you will laugh together, have a good time together, and maybe meaningful heart-to-heart conversations.

With an energy vampire, you will feel exhausted after the interactions.

Photo by Stacey Rozells on Unsplash

There are several types of energy vampires, and I will lay it down for you so that you can recognize their symptoms.

  1. The victim vampire

The victims are people that strive in making other people feel guilty. They have extremely low self confident and usually refuse to take responsibility of their situations.

When you are encountering the victims, you will recognize that they are trying to get your empathy and sympathy by blaming other people constantly. Their life is full of problems and people doing bad things to them, as they say.

These people will exhaust you because no matter how much you try to uplift them, they will never come around.

Try to limit interactions with them, and refuse to feel guilty if they are doing their illogical guilt trips towards you.

2. The narcissist vampire

The narcissists are people that are so self-indulgent. They have no interest in bettering the life of other people because to them, their own life is what matters.

They could be extremely charming when they want to, it’s because they need you to like them at first.

However, after a long time of interacting with them, you will find out that they often don’t care at all about other people.

These people will exhaust you so much because they will do whatever it takes to makes you feel worthless or below them. They can’t stand the thoughts of there’s someone else’s closest to them that could possibly be better than them.

My advice for you is this : cut off contact with them, forever. Read more here.

3. The dominator vampire

The dominators are usually people that are afraid of being dominated.

They have such insecurity that if they are ‘weak’ they will be attacked by other people and therefore feeling hurt.

Yep, the root of it is they scared of being hurt by other people.

That’s why they put up this mask of dominating and try to scare you with their loud talks and threatenings.

When in contact with the dominators, try to limit your interactions with them. If necessary, be ‘agree to disagree’ and set your boundaries.

Let them know you are not afraid by their intimidations.

4. The melodramatic vampire

They usually feels like their life is empty and therefore, they need to create drama to fill it.

The drama they creates are often trials to get attention, making them fueled by energy supply from other people.

Oftentimes, these dramas they creates are their attempts to avoid their real problems.

If you find them in your life, again, try to avoid them and refuse to take part in their dramas.

5. The judgmental vampire

Judgmental vampires judge.

Every single mistake you make will seen as unapproved and go into their radar.

This judging habits are usually come from their -again- low self esteem. They feel like by judging someone else, they will feel better about their own life.

Of course, this is not the case.

True worth comes from inside, and when you are judging someone from their behavior, it means you have the need to feel better by doing it.

This feeling of superior by judging is not healthy, if any at all.

Being in contact with energy vampires might makes you feel sick and tired. You will be overwhelmed by their constant complainings, guilt trips, and emotional manipulations.

Sometimes it’s subtle, you might questions yourself if they are really energy vampires.

However, all of this exchange of energy is happening not in the physical world, and it’s completely advisable that you rely on your intuition.

Believe in yourself and do your best to help serving other people. However, you must also love and take care of yourself to get clean interactions that could help you gain your own authentic happiness.

Try to educate yourself more regarding this topic if you are not sure. I wish you all the best luck in the world :)

About Me

Writer. Freelancer. Half child-like and half old soul. A person that’s really passionate about helping people discovering themself through spirituality and entrepreneurship. I do tarot readings in between writings and contemplating.

If you want to connect or read more of my works, you can check out my blog or instagram page.

Invitations to collab and questions are also welcomed :)



Vour Essence

A Virtual Assistant & Spiritualist. I share what would be useful for our healing journey: Discovering, Learning, and Creating Authentically.