The One Habit that Every Traveler & Photographer Needs

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4 min readMar 22, 2017
Personal expirience from trip to Barcelona

Whether you are a long term traveler or just going on a two-week trip, there are some skills and habits that can make the difference between a successful ninja traveler and a “caught off guard” one.

And no…

I am not talking about habits like walking while brushing your teeth or sleeping right away on all the transportation means. I am talking about that ONE habit that will save you money, time, long queues and disorientation.

If you want to rock and roll your future trips and organize them like a PRO in a matter of seconds, this article might be for you. But before going into its contents, let me tell you a story.

During my last trip in Barcelona, I have saved the following:

  • 1h waiting time because I booked my Sagrada Familia ticket in advance
  • 100 euros because I have planned my trip around the first Sunday of the month when all museums are free
  • 1h waiting time and 8 euros for my entrance in Gaudi’s Park, because I read that you can go before 8.00 am for free
  • 10% off because I made my transportation pass online
  • 50 euros because I ate in local pubs which also offer free tapas

I probably saved 150 euros with my research. Now, how much time do you think I spent to find out all those things? I’ll tell you at the end of this article.

As you may already know, there are many things that need attention before traveling somewhere new. From budgeting, to where we stay, how much time we spend in transit, what shall we pack, what is the best place to eat, what shall we eat, shall we take the metro or the bus…

Oh Gosh, our head can easily go crazy.

So the ONE habit that can save you money & time while traveling is…


Planning and writing down what we read during our research can actually make the difference. It is not enough to fill our head with online articles that are generally written for the ‘traveler persona’.

We need to make our OWN research. No itinerary and no lists will apply to OUR travel circumstances. Websites like can do so much, but what happens with all the things that you need do before the trip? Here’s a list with 3 guidelines we need to take into consideration when planning our trip.

1. Plan with Multiple Outcomes in Mind

Determine which outcome is the most important to you: time, cost, risk, comfort and do your planning accordingly. Always have a plan B, just in case the weather doesn’t want you there.

2. Consult with your friends

It is always fun to ask your friends and family about their experiences than read long impersonal lists with recommendations. These people are passionate about where they traveled to and want to share their experiences with you! You’ll be surprised to see that a simple question about “What shall I eat in Spain?” will get you a really helpful essay in return.

3. Okeey, consult TripAdvisor and Yelp as well

The truth is, we can’t avoid these sites. They are too good not to take them into consideration, but there’s also a trick. Focus on the three star reviews. These are often the most helpful, detailed, and honest reviews from other travelers and these reviews will often discuss both the pros and cons of a particular place/activity you are looking into.

And then you find yourself overwhelmed with information. Your browser has 20 open tabs and you can’t seem to give all the information a framework. If only you could write everything nicely down… and take that information with you in Spain, right?

My advice: move offline. And build the habit of writing.

Write down your planning.

Write down your memories.

Ah by the way! Did you know that taking too many photos can actually undermine your memories of a trip? This is because you are solely relying on your camera to make memories for you. So, starting a travel journal might be a good idea in order to completely emerge with all your senses into the trip.

Still wondering how much time I have spent on writing down ideas and planning my trip to Spain? It was ONE day. But that one day, saved me a lot of money (150 euros) and I am now part of the ninja travelers elite, who plan & document their trips.

Are you a ninja traveler who is always prepared? If you always strived to get better, download this super useful packing checklist for your next trip. I’ll help you take care of your photography gear.

Happy planning.


Photler is dedicated to helping others become better organized travelers, photographers, life catchers.

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