How to find ‘The Book’ to read?

Jagannil Banerjee
Published in
2 min readJan 1, 2021

The most efficient way of getting started with reading.

Reading you favorite book is just a few steps away. All you need to know in choosing your favorite book.
Photo by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

“Reading Books!”, was Bill Gates answer when asked where all his knowledge came from. If there is one habit you must include in your 2021 ‘to-do’ planner or ‘habit list’- reading books. Not only does it empower your vocabulary and language, but it also is one of the best ways to take a break!

But how do you find ‘The book’? Is there a way even to getting to read what you want to read and like to read? I mean, there are tons of books out there and you could just give up even before starting. But with a plan in hand, you could go all the way to the finish line.

Step 1: Know your interests

Before beginning to scour through the plethora of books, how about doing a self-audit first? Fiction, humor, science fantasy, satire, suspense, Sci-fi…? Whatever the genre, name it and you’ll find it. Finding out your interests will be an important first. Not only will it give you a head start at choosing your book, but also give you a different perspective about yourself.

Step 2: Find relatable content

With the torchlight -results of your audit report- in your hand, the way becomes way clearer. A notable step most readers do is to simply google their interests. Let the results be thy guide. For example, you google fantasy. The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, The Game of Thrones, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland…. and the list goes on. But, also remember to stop! The important part for you is to zero in on a few sources that appeal the most to you. It could take you a few years to go through the entire list. (maybe)

Step 3: Look for similar authors

Yes! It may sound unconventional, but definitely worth the try. A ‘mistake’ many amateur readers make is to stick to one particular author. It may seem like a good bet at first, but in the long run, it ruins the very purpose of reading. By looking for similar authors, not only will you be increasing your book collection base, but also get to know what different people think about the same topic. Thus, enabling you to effectively nose dive into…

Step 4: Reading

Now that your interests and authors are known, picking your first book shouldn’t take longer than a minute. It’s time to begin packing your stuff, pick up your favorite book, go sit by the window facing the garden, behold the twilight sun, amidst the wafts of wind blowing at the pages of the book as you read…

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.” — George R.R. Martin



Jagannil Banerjee

Student | Working @ bettering my Content Writing | Infotainment | Politics| Opinions on Science | Fiction and more...