Let it go

Pranjali Desai
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2020

Most of the time we find that our ego is controlling our life and leading to us in a heartbroken situation. Why we give so much attention to the ego and not able to let it go.

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

I like to tell a small story about myself where ego played a very important part. When I was in high school I had one best friend, we both always had blast together, always shared everything, helped each other in every possible we can. But we dint know one thing that was “ego”, is going to spoil everything we build together, our friendship our trust all was on stacks.

what happens, why we were apart after having so good bond of 4 years, this question was raised by every human being who knew us. They were shocked that we were no more friends the worst was we were more enemies of each other.

The reason was ego, this fucking ego came between us or maybe lead my someone in between us and we had so bad fight and we decide no to talk to each other. I thought she should talk to first and vice versa. And we never talked to each other since then.

One day I was watching the random video on youtube and came across one you channel called as “Yes Theory”. These people blow my mind. The way they look at their life and the way they challenge themself to seek discomfort in their life and end up with new accomplishments. I got inspired by these people and thought I would seek my discomfort to let it go to my ego.

I took a challenge to myself of calling all the people whom I have hurt in the past or have end my friendship because of ego. I called them and it was so weird to talk to such people for first 60 seconds but later I released it was my greatest achievement in my life.

I called my friend and asked her to meet and trust me we had a blast. I let it go my ego and I was the happiest person I could ever be on this earth. We make mistakes but overcoming those is very important. I would like to give some created to Yes Theory for their inspiring video, please keep doing this good work and hopefully, I will meet you soon.

Let it go and the lets the good things come in

