Nature Is The Great Stress Dissolver

Words by Egypt
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2020

“A walk in nature, walks the soul back home.”– Mary Davis

Photo by Joakim Honkasalo |Unsplash

I went for a walk around my local neighborhood about 30 min ago. For months, I’ve been circling the same route more or less. I decided to take the off-roads today for a change. For a little micro-adventure.

Because why not?

Prior to that, my head was full. I’m exploring a new business venture of setting up a natural health shop and healing clinic. So I’d been planning for days. Gosh is there so much planning.

I needed to clear my head and revel in the sounds of nature once more.

I’m glad I laced up my walking shoes and hit the sidewalks

In all, I walked for about an hour. It was nice to get out and breathe the fully oxygenated air. The fresh air clears the mind and brings more energy tome.

It was a simple delight looking at the variation in the way different homes tended to (or not )their lawns or gardens. We encountered a bright blue home, that my little one adored. Although it wasn’t to my taste. I prefer more somber color notes. But then I’m not an eight-year-old boy.

This made me reflect on and appreciate how deeply healing nature is.

The low cost of bliss

I could feel my stress dissolving with each step. My muscles softening, as I paced through the sidewalks. It was more a saunter than a walk. I refused to mentally let exercise come into the process. This walk was more for my mind. Then my body. It felt good. I didn’t have to spend a penny to achieve this state either.

No substance was consumed, and no person paid. To achieve the stress dissolving benefits of a simple walk.

That is always a good thing.

Especially nowadays when it seems that all our conscious states have been usurped. By some form of a commercial enterprise or another

  • Want to feel alert?… Here’s some coffee
  • Want happiness?….Take this pill
  • Want to feel strong?… Enroll in our gym
  • Want to be entertained?….. Hit the movies, club, show or festival
  • Heck want to sleep well?….buy this $150 pillow.

Nature provides all these benefits. For free. It feels good.

We can all too easily forget that nature sufficiently provides us with most of our well-being needs. If only we commune and appreciate her.

Here is to my healing walk. And to many more to come.

Writer’s Note: Egypt is a writer, poet, minimalist, freedom, and wisdom seeker. She writes on things related to simplicity, creativity, and freedom HERE

Originally published at on August 12, 2020.



Words by Egypt

Essayist, Poet, and Writer. Dancing at the intersection of words and thoughts.