What it feels to be a new blogger

Pranjali Desai
Published in
3 min readJul 13, 2020

Due to the global pandemic, many people have lost their jobs and are sitting ideal at home. I am one of those people. I have been fired from my job so I decided to look for some online learning opportunities.

Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

As a beginner, I am facing lots of problems. If you are in the online business, you know how much time it takes to establish a full fleshing income online.

When I started looking for the option for full-time income online, I was just left in the ocean with no direction to go. So many things exist online nowadays, but choosing a single niche was very difficult. I was so confused about where to start. Do I start a youtube channel? or do I start a blog? or affiliate marketing?. In this whole confusion where to start from, I decided to start with everything and see what works for me.

That was my worst decision ever, I started with affiliate marketing at first. I learned about the google ads, Facebook ads, bing ads, Instagram ads, and all the ads present in the market. And I also discovered the affiliate marketing sites like click bank, JVzoo, digitize24, amazon, etc. I started with the free method at first then. I started to post these links all over the Facebook groups and pages, and to be honest, I ended with a blocked Facebook account. Facebook doesn't allow to post a direct link, and I was unaware of this, so my Facebook account was been block. So lately I found out about the landing pages. As a beginner, it was been very difficult for me to pay the monthly subscription of a few dollars for landing pages, so went with the free method and created the landing page using blogger and the google sites.

After all of this struggle, I was all set to do the affiliate marketing, As all the people speaking said, we need to choose the particular niche and then start marketing those produced. I choose one niche and started marketing that product on Facebook, after a month I didn't get any earns and I was very disappointed. So I decided to go with the paid ads method. I created a nice ad on google ads using a link from click bank and the worst happened again.my google ads account, as well as a click bank account, was been blocked, till today I dont know why they blocked me. With so much disappointment, I decided to start a youtube channel.

I did a bit of a search about the youtube channel and I decided to start a meditation music channel. This channel doesn't require any creative content as other channels required. U just need Soft, calm music. I made daily one video and post it on youtube. I started receiving some views, but here also my earns dint started, By doing youtube I released that if I can write a good description for a youtube channel then I can write a good block post too. And these videos hardly too me one hour to make, so I decide I will use my other time in blogging.

when I started searching about blogging, I came across the medium.com, I was so fascinated to know that we can earn so fast by writing a blog in medium.com. Since my past experience was not so good about online earning, I was not sure I will earn it here. I just gave it a try for a week and earn one dollar, I know it not a big value at all, but the person who is struggle to earn a single penny online from last few months, had seen some hope just in one week, So I decide to write on medium. It worth all the time I spend on this. Thank you medium.com

