What’s Your Dream?

Pranjali Desai
Published in
2 min readAug 1, 2020

Dreams are the things which we see on a daily basis, Daydreaming is the thing which everyone does no matter how busy the person is or how much free time he has got, dreaming is the continuous process. Dreams are the foundation of many new upcoming achievements. I think dreams are the inspiration and motivation for everyone out there.


We all see beautiful dreams for our future life, only a few act on it to achieve. It is not true, many people act on their dreams but end up with nothing. what mistakes we do that our dreams are not falling in the place we want. I came across some route cause that led our dreams into failure. The three things that matter are …

The first thing was “Hard Work”, the work which we do was not enough to get the result. we do hard work but after some period of time when we don't see the results we just give up. Giving up early is not the way to reach your dream. I did this mistake more often and always complained about it. Give some time for the universe to evolve it. The result is on your way just wait for the delivery boy.

The second thing was the “Timing”, the timing should be correct or else we end up with no result, correct timing has made people millionaires, looks at Facebook and Amazon, their timing was so correct that they ended up as millionaires.

“Luck”, most of them told me, “You Very Lucky, You got all the things which u wanted”, and I believed it too. But I came across something which turns my thoughts of luck upside down, I came across the book called “The Secret” this book talked about the Law of Attraction. we can attract anything we want through our thought. somewhere I was convinced by this book, I am not at the spiritual person, but this book convinced there is some power in-universe. I never believed in idol worship in entire life, that so true, power cant settles at one place it everywhere. so be positive in your thought and garb the success

If you see dreams keep some courage and patience, everything will fall in place. Be yourself and you will be next “Millionaire”.

