DACA Digest: May 19, 2017

Curated news from the DACA Time team

Derek DeHart
3 min readMay 19, 2017


Each week, the DACA Time team provides you with curated news and stories related to DACA and immigration to help raise awareness of the problems we’re trying to solve and the people we’re trying to help.

Raising awareness is a crucial component of social impact:

  • How can you change something no one knows anything about?
  • What support systems already exist for the folks we’re trying to help?
  • Where do we see examples of success that inspire us?
  • Perhaps most importantly, what victories, no matter how tiny, can we celebrate this week?

Beyond the social enterprise space, beyond those directly impacted by DACA and its far-too-often arduous application process, answering these questions helps us better understand how our actions are all connected.

Immigration in the News

This week brought us several moving profiles of Dreamers from around the country: Colorado, Illinois, Rhode Island, and Washington D.C. Each one of them highlights the accomplishments, struggles, and uncertainties many immigrants face every day.

And from DACA Time’s home city of Columbus, Ohio comes notes from the New American Forum focusing on the social benefits of Central Ohio’s vibrant immigrant community.

The Pew Research Center also published findings from this year’s Population Association of America conference, shining a spotlight on some revealing statistics that show DACA is not at the end of the struggle for undocumented immigrants.

Success & Support

The week’s news also celebrated several successes amongst the immigrant community and its allies, including this story from Park City, Utah about a fundraising effort to help offset DACA application costs.

Meanwhile, a Nebraska legislator seeks to reinforce its support of his state’s DACA population.

Finally, Americas Quarterly showcases the work of two participants in The DREAMers Project Workshop, supported by PEN America and CUNY.

DACA Time Milestones

GiveBackHack reunion at SEA Change!

On May 10, the DACA Time team reunited with several other GiveBackHack teams at the first meeting of the SEA Change Ohio 2017 Columbus cohort. The meetings have been amazing so far, and we can’t wait to work with these and other supremely talented social entrepreneurs!

We were also honored to be selected to present at Columbus SOUP’s Spring Soup event scheduled for May 21. More details to come, but click the link below to attend if you’re in the Columbus area!



Derek DeHart

Tinkerer and Product enthusiast | Social Enterprise geek