Ready Player One?

Dacxi Chain
Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2018

How Crypto Changes the Game for Generation Z

Broadcast only, Web 1.0 was a frustratingly slow dial-up experience. Web 2.0 or the Internet of Information, saw the emergence of social media, interactivity and Wikipedia. Web 3.0 or the Internet of Value is another way of expressing the real potential of blockchain; the transfer of not just cryptocurrency, but almost anything of value.

For the first time in history, value can be sent anywhere in the world at the same speed as information. We now have programmable money that exists outside of the control of governments. This is revolutionary and it will lead to all kinds of use cases. As technologies like AI, VR and blockchain mature and converge, we will increasingly spend our time in virtual worlds, working, playing and paying with cryptocurrency. If you think of Fortnite or the movieReady Player One, you can get a sense of where this is going.

As the world’s true digital natives Gen Z will use blockchain to unlock the next wave of digital creativity and economic freedom. More than any other generation we spend our time and energy contributing to social networks that make us less happy and exploit our time, attention and creativity for profit.

That’s about to change. So is the old paradigm of school, study and a boring 9-to-5. The robots are coming. But it’s not new mundane, pointless jobs we need. It’s new sources of income. Blockchain empowers our generation to earn money from following our passion and expressing our art. Crypto enables the monetization of gaming, social media and creative content without the need for a third party like Facebook or Google or a record company or a publisher.

Ready or not, here comes the future. Are you ready, player one?



Dacxi Chain
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