Branching Out
DADA. Living Art.
Published in
2 min readOct 21, 2015

At DADA, we love surprises. We love the serendipity, not only of not knowing who will respond to a drawing, or what will be the response. Sometimes, if two or more people hit the “post” button at once, one of those drawings will create a new branch. Branches can be identified by a little circle with an arrow on the right bottom corner. We envision visual conversations flowering like trees, not only in a linear manner but also sprouting new avenues, different stories, diverse outcomes. The possibilities of storytelling, of where a drawing may end up, are endless.

Here are some cool examples of drawings with branches:

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It can end in a tangle… or not!

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For more risqué ideas:

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Here it branched out to a different spin on the kinky story:

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Back on the original thread:

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And an alternate fun ending!

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Feel like branching out? Follow and continue this story here.


DADA. Living Art.

A collaborative art platform where people worldwide speak through drawings. Building a blockchain token economy for the arts.