DADA Is Part Of Matter 7
DADA. Living Art.
Published in
3 min readJun 16, 2017

It’s been a long time, but we have a wonderful announcement to make. Back at the beginning of the year, we applied to the Matter 7 accelerator program, which invests in media startups and focuses on empathetic design thinking to take them to the next level. It was a demanding process, but we felt Matter was the right place, like when you kiss a lot of frogs and you finally meet your prince.

Today we are proud to announce that we are officially part of this community, and we’re in very good company. Out of about 500 companies, only 12 were selected to participate in the 5-month program taking place in New York and San Francisco.

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What a beautiful group of people.[/caption]

Drumroll please:

CivnetGrafitiIn The RoomMultimerNametagPurpleRewireSignl.fmSmartFeed

The EstablishmentVigilant

We met them all last week at the Matter 7 bootcamp and retreat, an intense and fantastic introduction to Matter’s design thinking process, plus a much-needed escape to the redwoods for well-deserved rest and relaxation.

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The amazing Russian River, California. Drone photo by Juan Gonzalez.

The amazing Russian River, California. Drone photo by Juan Gonzalez.[/caption]

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Part of Matter 7 at the Armstrong Woods, California. Drone photo by our very own Juan Gonzalez.[/caption]

What’s more, Matter is the reason why the entire DADA team was able to meet in person for the first time! Our talented developers will be participating in the New York program and we are thrilled to finally be with all of them in the same place.

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The DADA team in San Francisco: Juan Carlos Florville, Bea Ramos, Abraham Milano, Judy Mam and Juan Antonio González.[/caption]

Matter 7 includes an amazing community of 12 media partners who are also invested in changing media for good:

We are super excited to start this program, in which we will accelerate all the things we have to do to grow DADA into the global visual communication platform that we want it to be.


DADA. Living Art.

A collaborative art platform where people worldwide speak through drawings. Building a blockchain token economy for the arts.