Support our Kickstarter Campaign!
DADA. Living Art.
Published in
3 min readSep 21, 2016

Versión en español

DADA’s mission is to make the world a better place for artists, because artists make the world a better place. We envision a global community that can — through creative collaboration and technology — take control of its own work and achieve economic independence.

Next Tuesday, September 27, we will be launching a Kickstarter campaign asking for your support to help us achieve our goals.

By Boris Z. Simunich
By Boris Z. Simunich

We Can Gain Strength In Numbers Through Our New Mobile App!

We have over 150,000 users and 80,000 drawings. The more people who contribute on DADA and support our artists, the more power we have as a community to be a force of change.

We are working to deliver a beautiful experience to our users through our new iPad app:

  • Compatible with Apple’s Pencil
  • 4K resolution drawings
  • Faster to use
  • Draw everywhere

With your contribution, we will be able to finish the app, and once we launch, we could potentially get millions of new users.

Help us raise the $50K we need to finish the development of our iPad app!

[caption id=”attachment_3010" align=”aligncenter” width=”630"]


Beatriz Helena Ramos[/caption]

If each one of our 150,000 registered users gave just ONE DOLLAR, we could reach our goal, and then some!

WACOM is supporting our cause and has donated four tablets for our artists. We will give away these tablets in a random drawing to the members of our community who donate $1!

Whatever amount you donate, you will get a reward made by artists on DADA and you will be helping support artists all over the world. Our artists will be remunerated for their work on the rewards we offer. Everybody wins!

Please donate, and equally importantly, please share our Kickstarter page far and wide. We believe there is strength in numbers, and the more people share the campaign, the better chances for us to reach our goal.

Look for DADA on starting next Tuesday, September 22.

[caption id=”attachment_3008" align=”aligncenter” width=”630"]


Beatriz Helena Ramos[/caption]

DADA is a place where artists get together to be free.

Where artists change things.

Where things change for artists.

Where hope is possible through art.



DADA. Living Art.

A collaborative art platform where people worldwide speak through drawings. Building a blockchain token economy for the arts.